Research / Research AreasArtificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence (AI) research explores the nature of intelligence and the ways in which computation can be used to explain and engineer it. Work in AI combines the scale afforded by machine learning with the expressive and organizational power of semantic information-processing and knowledge-based reasoning. Our faculty research programs include work in machine learning, cognitive modeling, language understanding and generation, planning and reasoning, robotics and human-robot interaction, computational journalism, social media analysis, computer audition, computers and education, computational creativity, and legal reasoning.
Mohammed Alam
Assistant Professor of Instruction
Deputy Director of the Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence Program
Emma Alexander
Assistant Professor of Computer Science and (by courtesy) Electrical and Computer Engineering
Brenna Argall
Professor of Computer Science
Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Kristian Hammond
Bill and Cathy Osborn Professor of Computer Science
Director, Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence Program
Director, Center for Advancing Safety of Machine Intelligence (CASMI)
Chris Riesbeck
Associate Professor of Computer Science
Director, Master of Science in Computer Science Program
Co-Director, Center for Computer Science and Learning Sciences
Michael Rubenstein
Associate Professor of Computer Science
Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Director of Graduate Admissions in Computer Science
Sara Owsley Sood
Professor of Instruction
Chookaszian Family Teaching Professor
Associate Chair for Undergraduate Education
V.S. Subrahmanian
Walter P. Murphy Professor of Computer Science
Faculty Fellow at the Northwestern Buffett Institute for Global Affairs
Uri Wilensky
Professor of Computer Science
Professor of Education and Social Policy
Lorraine Morton Professor
Marcelo Worsley
Karr Family Associate Professor of Computer Science
Associate Professor of Learning Sciences, School of Education and Social Policy