Research / Research AreasRobotics
In Robotics, we research, design, and build a wide variety of robot systems, studying how robots interact with their environments, objects around them, other robots, or humans who they are helping. Robotics utilizes a broad range of disciplines within computer science and beyond, from mathematics to mechanics to biology. Especially important tools from computer science include artificial intelligence, physics simulation, and sophisticated sensor processing (e.g. computer vision). We are working to create robots that can improve our world for the better: that assist humans with impairments, work together in large teams, move in challenging environments, dexterously manipulate objects, deliver medicine inside the human body, remove harmful pollutants from the ground and ocean, provide useful information to humans, and carry out useful work here on Earth and in space.
Brenna Argall
Professor of Computer Science
Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Oliver Cossairt
Adjunct Associate Professor of Computer Science
Adjunct Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Sam Kriegman
Assistant Professor of Computer Science
Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Assistant Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering
Michael Rubenstein
Associate Professor of Computer Science
Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Director of Graduate Admissions in Computer Science