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Hiring People

(other than PhD Students)

Please know, everyone who is on payroll at Northwestern University MUST have a social security number and complete an I-9 BEFORE they can begin work (PhD student follow different process managed by TGS). International students (undergrads and masters) must apply for a SSN through the Social Security office. This process may take some time, so do not ask anyone to begin working until this step is complete.

Research staff appointments (e.g. Postdoc, Research Staff, Visiting Research, etc.) Research and Visitor appointments are handled by the McCormick Customer Service Center. Prior to initiating a research staff or visitor appointment request, please confirm that you have office/desk space for your visitor. Once you have identified a candidate, please review the McCormick Customer Service Center website with information on how to initiate the process. All requests are sent to

For more information about Research Staff appointment types, see the Office for Research.

  • Candidates for Research staff appointments typically have a PhD.

Staff, exempt and non-exempt (e.g. Research Technologists, Research Engineers, Lab Manager, etc.), contact Katie Winters.

Temps (including undergrads working in the lab), contact Ethan Walles and include the following information.

  • Temporary worker’s name, email address, and type of student if applicable
  • Start and end dates of the position
  • Hourly pay and approximate number of hours worked per week
  • Funding source (exact chart string is preferred)
  • Important policies to keep in mind:
    • Temp workers cannot begin working until they’ve obtained an SSN.
    • Temp workers must complete their I-9 by the third day of employment or they may not continue their work.
    • Non-student temps may not work more than 1000 hours in one year.
    • Minimum wage in Evanston is currently $13.70/hour.

Not Sure, contact Keziah Tetteh.

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Hosting a Visitor or Event

Contact Wynante Charles if you plan to host short-term visitors and would like them to have an office for meetings during their visit or a parking pass. Please give at least one week notice to make arrangements. For talks or other event support, complete the Event Request form. Check the CS Events page to help find an available day for your event. Be aware that other events may be in the planning stage and not publicly listed.

Poster Printing for Classes

Arrangement can be made to direct bill poster printing for your class. Contact Julia Blend with the following information 3 weeks prior to class events requiring group poster printing: 

  • An EXCEL spread sheet with the student’s first/ last names & NET ID#s.  (Please do not send a Google link- the NU Library requires an Excel spreadsheet attached to an e-mail)
  • The date of your poster event and the day that it is over

 Directions for how students should print are  online here and should be available for anyone at Northwestern to view.

When the students go to print, and it has to be on a Library PC, they will be prompted to select where to charge the print to. They will select ‘charge to shared account’ and the CS poster printing account will be in the drop down box:  “171-4739000-XXXXXXXX-01 - MCC-CS - Student Poster Printing”

The account is only open to the students with printing access temporarily, and will be disabled the day after the Poster event.  

You will be notified when your students can begin printing posters, once the Library notifies us they have access. Please tell your students not to wait until the last minute to print.  Library staff are not always available if there is an issue, and CS staff do not have the access to assist with poster printing. 

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