Academics / Courses / DescriptionsCOMP_SCI 396: Responsible Software Engineering
COMP_SCI 213 and 214Description
As software’s role in the world ever increases, so do the consequences of software going wrong–be it accidentally or maliciously. As software engineers, it is our responsibility to guard against such failures to the best of our ability, and to ensure that the software we build benefits the public rather than harms them.
In this class, we will study a variety of software failures–both recent and historical–to understand what led to them and draw lessons from them. In parallel, we will explore techniques, tools, and processes that can help prevent such failures, and should thus be part of a responsible software engineer’s toolbox.
Comp Sci 214 and Comp Sci 213
Students will also be expected to program and work with software in a self-directed way, without hand holding. You will often choose your own tools, and I won’t be able to help you with them if things break; you’ll be on your own.
COURSE INSTRUCTOR: Prof. Vincent St-Amour