Academics / Courses / DescriptionsCOMP_SCI 314: Technology & Human Interaction
Undergrad Students Junior & Senior onlyDescription
We are surrounded by technologies that support our everyday social interactions. Facebook and Twitter provide persistent services for exchanging personal information, ubiquitous computing environments permit the integration of computational artifacts into the everyday world, and new technologies enable people to collaborate on projects when they are thousands of miles apart. The design of such systems, however, is not simply a technical question. In order to successfully create these systems, we need to understand how people work, play, and communicate with one another in a wide variety of situations. This course illustrates the practice of understanding human interactions that take place both with and through technology; and it explores the design, creation and evaluation of technologies to support such interactions. Course topics include: design processes, prototype construction and evaluation techniques. Specialized topics cover social computing technologies, social software and collaborative systems, and entertainment technologies. No programming experience is necessary. There will be occasional labs to explain technical content.
- Cross-listed with Comm_ST 351
INSTRUCTOR: Darren Gergle
EVALUATION METHOD: Course requirements include short hands-on exercises, two exams, and a group project.