Department Resources
Finance Resources
Procurement & Purchasing

Procurement & Purchasing

Current MSE Non-Catalog Purchasing Order Form

Please submit the Non-Catalog Purchasing Order form when requesting items not available in iBuyNU.

McCormick IT Approval

McCormick IT approval is required whenever an order contains computer or software purchases. McCormick IT must be notified when the items arrive so that they can connect them to the Northwestern network.

Multiple Project Allocation Form

Please complete the Multiple Project Allocation form when submitting purchase requests in which the cost is split between multiple chart-strings.

Capital Equipment Purchases

Orders containing an item greater than or equal to $5000 (including shipping) that has a lifetime of >1 year are classified as capital equipment orders.  Capital equipment orders require these attachments in a PO:

  1. MSE Non-catalog Purchase Request Form
  2. Chartstring & PI Approval
  3. Capital Equipment Form
  4. Vendor Quote
  5. Purchase Decision Documentation
    • Chartstring purchases of over $10,000 (sponsored) or $25,000 (non-sponsored), PDD will determine which of these two forms you attach:
      • BD (Bid Documentation) Form
      • SSJ (Sole Source Justification) Form

Sole Source Justification

A Sole Source Justification form is required for all sponsored chartstring purchases over $10,000 and non-sponsored chartstring purchases over $25,000. This form is needed regardless of whether the order classifies as capital equipment.

Vendor Addition

To add a vendor to NUFinancials, the following items are needed: PO form, PI approval and chartstring, W9/W8 tax form, Conflict of Interest form, vendor email for POs, and remit address. MSE Purchasing staff can help procure this information.