Faculty DirectoryMorteza Amir Rahimi

Professor Emeritus
2145 Sheridan RoadTech M194
Evanston, IL 60208-3109
847-497-0859Email Morteza Amir Rahimi
Electrical and Computer Engineering
PhD in Computer Science, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
MS in Mathematics, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
BS in Mathematics, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
Research Interests
Analytics; system infrastructure design and operations, large scale software projects, and IT policy and management
Significant Recognition
- Pi Mu Epsilon, Mathematics Honorary
- Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society, President of Northwestern Chapter, 2005-present
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Senior Member
- American Mathematical Society
- Association for Computing Machinery
- Engineering Society of Detroit
- The Computer Executive
- The Professional Association for Computing and Information in Higher Education
Courses Taught
- EECS 101: An Introduction to Computer Science For Everyone
- EECS 310: Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science
- EECS 311: Data Structures and Data Management
- EECS 313: Telecommunication Networks for Multimedia
- EECS 395/495: Technology Infrastructure: Concepts, Requirements, Design and Operation
Significant Professional Service
- Trustee of the Adler Planetarium and Chair of the Technology Committee, 2006-2010
- Advisory Board member of CISCO Corporation, 2003-present
- CIC (Big Ten plus University of Chicago) CIO Committee: Vice Chair, 1997-1999; Chair 1999-2002; Board Member 2002 – present
- Executive Committee of Illinois Century Network, 1998-present
- Board of Technopolis, Evanston, 1999-2005
- Board CICNet Regional Network (serving Big Ten universities), Board Treasurer 1992-1996
- Board of NetIllinois, 1992-1996
- Board of Northwestern Technologies Group, 1992-1995
- Board of Northwestern-Evanston Research Park Technology Innovation Center, 1992-1997
- MERIT, Inc. Treasurer, 1982-1985; Vice Chairman, 1985-1990; and Chairman, 1990-1992; Board of Directors
- Member of the Board of Directors of Community Telecommunications Network Inc.
- President and presiding officer, Board of Directors of Michigan Business Development Corporation, 1990-1992
- Board of Directors, Michigan Information Technology Network Inc., 1988-1992
- Chairman of the Board, Michigan Consortium for Enabling Technology, 1986-1990
- Member of the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors, Metropolitan Center for High Technology Inc., 1982-1992
- National Science Foundation Business and Operations Advisory Committee, 2003-2009
- Higher Learning Commission of NCA, peer review, 2000-present and Consultant-Evaluator (C-E) for the Program to Evaluate and Advance Quality (PEAQ), 2004 – present
- Northwestern University Executive Committee for Enterprise Systems, chair, 2003- present
- Chicago Mayors Advisory Committee, 1999-2004
- Illinois Higher Education Task Force, 1997-2002
- BigTen Task Force on Learning Technologies, 1995-1998; chair, 1995
- Illinois Higher Education Task Force on Technology, 1997-present
- PeopleSoft Higher Education Advisory Board, 1994-present
- Northwestern University Information Technology Coordinating Council, chair, 1993- present
- Human Resources Steering Committee, 1993-present
- Educom Networking and Telecommunication Task Force, 1992-present
Selected Publications
- ACUTA Forum for Strategic Leadership in Communications Technology, San Diego, CA; “Enterprise Architecture and Converged Communication Planning” (2006).
- Chicago-Kent College of Law, Deconstructing the Law School Classroom Workshop, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL; “Bandwidth and Distance Learning” (2006).
- CIO Executive Summit, Chicago, IL; “The Future of Enterprise Architecture: Game Changing Technologies that Impact the Fundamental Ways We Do Business” (2005).
- Nortel CIO Forum, Napa Valley, CA; “Gradual Upgrade and Transition to Voice-over IP” (2005).
- A Symposium of the XIV International Materials Research Congress, Cancun, Mexico; ”Future Technology Strategies for the Materials World Network” (2005).
- University College Dublin Seminar, Dublin, Ireland; “Administrative and Academic Computing Services” (2005).
- Educators and Defense Conference, Washington, D.C.; “Dissemination of Biodefense Research Information within the Academic Community: Striking a Balance between Security and Resource Sharing” (2002).
- Information Age Diplomacy Symposium, War College, Fort McNair, Washington DC; “Private Communication across a Public Internet” (2001).
- Proceeding of Asian Development Bank Conference, Hong Kong; “Digital Divide: The News is Not All Bad” (2001).
- Internet in the New Millennium Workshop 2000, King Fahd University, Saudi Arabia; “International Networking” (2001).
- Committee on Institutional Cooperation Meeting, Urbana-Champaign, IL; “Transferring Cost from Capital Budget to Operating Budget” (2000).
- Northwestern University 30th Annual Seminar Day, Evanston, IL; “Long-Term Value of Year 2000 Problem Initiatives” (1999).
- Shirley Ryan Lecture Series Program, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL; “Learning in the New Millennium” (1999).
- The Internet Society Meeting, San Antonio NU Club, Texas; “Advanced Networking and the Future of Computing” (1999).
- Keynote at MREN/CIC Conference on Digital Video, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL; “The Challenges of Digital Video Leadership” (1998).
- Proceeding of EDUCOM 98 Annual Conference, Orlando, FL; "A Peek Over the Horizon" (1998).
- Tufts University Lectures, Boston, MA; “Information Technology: An Academic Perspective”, (1998).
- ICAST 98, Naperville, IL; “Building Collaboratories: Learning and Doing Science” (1998).
- Metropolitan Planning Council, Chicago, IL; “A Hub for the Next Generation Internet”, (1998).
- Congressional Staff Briefing, United States Capitol Building, Washington, DC; “Internet2 and Next Generation Internet” (1998).
- Ernest & Young Banking Research Institute, New York City, NY; “Millennium Bug: A Problem and an Opportunity”, and “Brief History and Future of Internet” (1998).
- Rahimi, M.A. “Development of the Next Generation Internet”, NCF Forum Proceeding 1998.
- The 36th Annual Corporate Counsel Institute, San Francisco; “Electronic Workplace: Recent Developments and the Year 2000” (1997).
- Rahimi, M.A. “The Collaboratory: Collaboration and Outreach in Greater Chicago”, Proceedings of CAUSE,1997.
- NSF Next Generation Internet Workshop, Evanston, IL; “Development and the Next Generation Internet” (1997).
- CAUSE 97, Lake Buena Vista, FL; “Preparing For Multimedia and Next Generation Internet” (NGI) (1997).
- Lucent Technology Annual Professional Development Conference, Naperville, IL; “Future of Telecommunication” (1996).
- Rahimi, M.A. “Organization Information Technology Support for a Networked Environment”, Proceedings of CAUSE, 1996.
- CIC Learning Technologies Symposium, Urbana-Champaign, IL; Program Chair, “Learning Technology Issues and Opportunities” (1995).
- CIC Registrars, Evanston, IL; “Future Requirements for Student Administration Systems” (1994).
- CIC Provosts Meeting, Chicago, IL; “Collaboration to Support Learning Technologies” (1994).
- Rahimi, M.A. "Cable Technology to Enhance Service to a Metropolitan Area", Proceeding of Metropolitan Universities, An International Forum - Summer, 1992, 3, 28-34.
- Rahimi, M.A. "Information Systems Organization in Large Institutions", Encyclopedia of Computers, 1992, 2, 744-746.
- Day of Learning, University of Maryland, College Park, MD; “Quality of Service in a University Setting”, (1991).
- Southeast Michigan Chapter of Phi Betta Kappa Meeting, Detroit, MI; “Future of Computation Science”, (1990).
- Michigan Conference on Federal-State-Industrial Research and Development Opportunities, Lansing MI;Invited Panel Participant, (1988).
- Mindpower Conference III, East Lansing, MI; Invited Panel Participant EDCU TECH Task Force, (1988).
- National Communications Forum '87, Chicago, IL; "Premises Switching Versus CENTREX: A Business Decision," (1987).
- Bell Communications Research Meeting, Coronado, CA; "Executive Customer Operations Seminar" (1987).
- Rahimi, M.A.; Eulenberg, J. B. “CASE: Computer-Assisted Special Education, General Description”, Artificial Language Laboratory, July Issue 1987.
- IBM-Sponsored Seminar for University Provosts and Vice Presidents of Academic Affairs, Santa Cruz, CA; "Campus-Wide Office Automation - Electronic Mail with PROFS" (1986).
- Centrex Product Line Conference, Washington, D. C.; "User Perspective - Public Sector" (1986).
- NATO-ASI Conference, Les Arcs, Bourg-St. Maurice, France; “Relational Database Systems” Keynote Speaker (1985).
- Midwest Philosophy of Education Society Annual Conference, Chicago, IL; Panel Participant: “The Benefits of the Computer (and related Technology)” (1984).
- Rahimi, M.A.; Conrad, M.; "Computers and the Future of Human Creativity" Proceeding of the National Computer Conference, 1984.
- Rahimi, M.A.; Bailey, E. J.; Lerner, A. M. "A Method of Evaluating Antiviral Drugs in Combination", ASM, 1982.
- WSU Library Alumni Meeting, Detroit, MI; "Role of Information Libraries in High Technology" (1982).
- Medical Library Association Conference, Detroit, MI; "Computer and Future of Specialized Libraries" (1981).
- Association for System Management Meeting, Detroit, MI; "Bio-engineering and Computer Design" (1981).
- Rahimi, M.A. "Intelligent Prosthetic Devices", IEEE Computer, January Issue 1981.
- Rahimi, M.A. "Communication Prosthetic Devices that Learn and Teach", Proceedings of IEEE Computer Society Conference on Application of Personal Computing to Aid the Handicapped, John Hopkins University,1980.
- Rahimi, M.A. "Models for Delivery of Personalized Communication Aids", Proceedings of VOCA, University of California, Berkeley, 1980.
- Meeting of Speech Pathologists in Clinical Practice, Detroit, MI; "Intelligent Computer Aids for Handicapped" (1980).
- National Personal Computer Conference, New York City, NY; "Linguistic Processing in Communication Prosthesis", and “Personal Computing as an Aid to the Handicapped”, (1979).
- Rahimi, M.A.; Friedlander, C. B. "Linguistic Significance of Myoelectric Activities of Lip Musculature",Proceedings of IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology, October 1979.
- Rahimi, M.A.; Locher, M. R. “INSPECT: Individualized Special Education Curriculum Transcriber” Artificial Language Laboratory, December 1979.
- Rahimi, M.A.; Eulenberg, J. B.; and Reid, R. J. “OMNICOM Version 1.0: A Multi-Purpose Communication Enhancement Device”, Artificial Language Laboratory, August 1978.
- Rahimi, M.A.; Eulenberg, J. B.; “CASE: Computer-Assisted Special Education, Reference Manual”, Artificial Language Laboratory, July, 1978.
- Rahimi, M.A.; Eulenberg, J. B. "Toward a Semantically Accessible Communication Aid", Proceedings of the National Electronics Conference, 32, October, 1978.
- Opening of Northville Public Schools Communication Enhancement Resource Center, Northville, MI; "The Future of Communication Enhancement", (1978).
- Data Processing Management Association, East Lansing, MI; "Transfer of Computer Technology to Rehabilitation Engineering", (1978).
- Software Engineering Conference, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI; "Communication Enhancement", (1977).
- Ministry of Health Medical Congress on Rehabilitation Engineering; "Speech and Communication Prosthesis" (1977).
- University of Iowa Computers in Undergraduate Curricula Conference, Iowa City, IA; "Computer-Assisted Instruction through Communication Enhancement" (1977).
- Society of Automotive Engineers, Holland, MI; "Applications on Computer-Based Technology to Communication Enhancement for Handicappers" (1977).
- Conference on New Perspectives in Mental Retardation, East Lansing, MI; "Special Education Program Using Computer Voice Output" (1977).
- United Cerebral Palsy Association Annual Meeting, Kalamazoo, MI; "New Dimensions in Communication" (1977).
- Rahimi, M.A.; Eulenberg, J. B. "Voice-to-Voice and EMG-to-Voice Systems for Speech Prosthesis"Proceedings of the National Electronics Conference, October 1977, 31.
- Rahimi, M.A. "New Perspectives on Computerization of Instruction Based on Current Concepts in Educational Psychology", Army Research Institute, publisher. 1977 36 pp.
- Rahimi, M.A.; Eulenberg, J. B.; Neiswander, L. "Administration and management of a Computer-Based Communication Enhancement Program", Proceedings of American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine, October 1977.
- Rahimi, M.A.; Eulenberg, J. B. "Microprocessor-Based Artificial Language for Communication Prosthesis",Proceedings of the National Electronics Conference XXXI, October 1977.
- Rahimi, M.A.; Eulenberg, J. B. ; and Reid, R. J. "Representation of Language Space in Speech Prosthesis",Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Conference on Systems and Devices for the Disabled June 1977.
- Rahimi, M.A. "Admission System for a School with an Individualized Instructional System", Technical Report, Center for Technical and Vocational Instruction, Iran/CDC, 1976.
- "Overview of and Education Delivery System for Computer-Based Education Television", Technical Report, NIRT, 1975.
- Arya Mehr University Computer Seminar, Tehran, Iran; "A Computer-Based Education System for Developing Countries" (1975).
- Arya Mehr University Computer Seminar, Tehran, Iran; "The First Computer Course" (1975).
- Informatics Seminar, Esfahan, Iran; "Computerization of Instruction-Application to a Rapidly Developing Country" (1975).
- Rahimi, M.A.; Eulenberg, J. B. "Artificial Spoken Language for Human-Computer Conversation" Proceedings of Linguistics Society Annual Meeting, October 1974.
- Rahimi, M.A.; Eulenberg, J. B. "Modes of Data Presentation for the Blind Programmer" Proceedings of Annual Meeting of the ACM Conference, San Diego, 1974.
- Rahimi, M.A.; Eulenberg, J. B. "Towards an Ecology of Thought", Proceedings of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters, 1974.
- Rahimi, M.A. "A Computing Environment for the Blind", Proceedings of the National Computer Conference,1974, pp.803-806.
- Rahimi, M.A.; Eulenberg J. B. "A Computer Terminal with Synthetic Speech Output", Behavioral Research Methods and Instrumentation, April 1974.
- Rahimi, M.A.; Palmer, E. M.; Robinson, R. W. "Efficiency of a Binary Comparison Storage Technique", Journal of Association for Computing Machinery, 1974.
- National Computer Conference, University of Warsaw, Poland; “Computer-Based Education” (1974).
- Computer Symposium, University of Brussels, Brussels, Belgium; "Organizing a University to Improve Education" (1973).
- Computer-Assisted Instruction Seminar, London, UK; “PLANIT Implementation” (1973).
- Mathematical Association of America, Michigan Section Lansing, MI; "CAI Development at Michigan State University", (1973).
- Association for Educational Data Systems, Prospect, Arizona; "Using PLANIT as a CAI Language" (1973).
- Computer-Assisted Instruction Seminar, Zurich, SUI; “PLANIT Implementation” (1973).
- Third Annual Meeting of the Iranian Mathematical Society, National University, Tehran, Iran; "Computer-Assisted Instruction in Mathematics", April (1973).
- Free University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL; "Computer-Assisted Instruction" (1973).
- Wayne State University, Detroit, MI; "A Uniform Approach to Computer-Assisted Instruction" (1973).
- Society for Applied Learning and Technology, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA; "The Role of Computer-Assisted Instruction in a University" (1973).
- Association for Development of Instructional Systems, San Francisco, CA; "Interface between Instructor and Software", (1973).
- 1973 Teaching Symposium, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Michigan State University. East Lansing, MI: “Computer Instruction Using ‘planit’” (1973).
- Rahimi, M.A.; Hedges, H. G. "Evolution of a Computer Science Academic Program in a College of Engineering"Proceedings of the Third Annual ACM Conference on Computer Science Education, 1973.
- Rahimi, M.A.; Fino, T. A. "The PLANIT Computer-Assisted Instructional Language; a Potential Tool of Research in Psychology" Behavioral Methods and Instruction 4, 2, 1972.
- Minnesota Association for Education Data Systems, Minneapolis, MN; "Future of Computer-Assisted Instruction" (1972).
- Western Conference on CAI, San Diego, California; "CAI Curriculum Development: Coordination of Curriculum with Objectives, Strategies, and Methods of Recording" (1972).
- Free University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL; "A One-Day Computer-Assisted Instruction Seminar", (1972).
- Annual Meeting of Iranian Mathematical Society, Tehran, Iran; "CAI in Mathematics Instruction" (1972).
- Ministry of Education, Tehran, Iran; "Uses of Large-Scale Computers in a University Environment", (1972).
- Rahimi, M.A. "Implementation Design of PLANIT Language under SCOPE Operating System", VIM-16, 1972
- Rahimi, M.A. "Computer-Assisted Instruction Using PLANIT", Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Convention of the Association for Educational Data Systems, 1972.
- Rahimi, M.A.; Bertsch, C. D. "Notes on Implementation of CAI System", Technical Report No. 2, CDC M06BA,Division of Engineering Research, Michigan State University, 1972.
- Rahimi, M.A.; Pollock, K. "Algorithm for Phonetic Matching of Character Strings", Technical Report No. 1, CDC M06BA, Division of Engineering Research, Michigan State University, 1972.
- Rahimi, M.A. ; Weeg, G. P. "Automorphism Groups of Self-Converse and Self-Complementary Digraph",Technical Report 62-02, Artificial Language Group, Michigan State University, 1972.
- Modern Engineering Seminars, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI; “Role of Computers in Engineering Design” (1971).
- Rahimi, M.A. "Key Word Index Bibliography of Automata, Formal Languages, and Computability Theory",Special Issue, ACM SIGAT, 5, 1970.
- Rahimi, M.A. "Transformation Mappings of Computing Machine Models", Technical Report 69-01, Department of Computer Science, University of Iowa, 1968.