G. Jeffrey Snyder Earns Two Awards for Thermoelectrics Research
Snyder selected to receive a Humboldt Research Award and Outstanding Achievement in Thermoelectrics Award
Northwestern Engineering’s G. Jeffrey Snyder has received two noteworthy honors recognizing his research and innovation in the area of thermoelectrics: a Humboldt Research Award from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, and the International Thermoelectric Society’s Outstanding Achievement in Thermoelectrics Award.
Snyder will receive the Outstanding Achievement in Thermoelectrics Award this summer at the International Conference on Thermoelectrics.
Snyder, professor of materials science and engineering at the McCormick School of Engineering, earned the Humboldt honor in recognition of accomplishments in research and teaching. Using the included stipend to undertake prolonged research with colleagues in Germany, Snyder is planning to collaborate with the Dresden-based Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research, which is developing thermoelectric materials and technologies for building thermoelectric modules for power generation and solid-state Peltier cooling. Snyder will also partner with other German and European groups during his stay abroad.
The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation annually grants up to 100 awards to internationally leading researchers abroad, and winners are invited to conduct a research project of their choice at a research institution in Germany in cooperation with specialist colleagues there. The stays are between six months and a year.
As for the Outstanding Achievement in Thermoelectrics, it is the highest award of the International Thermoelectric Society and recognizes remarkable contributions to the field of thermoelectrics.
Snyder, a member of the Northwestern Engineering faculty since 2015, studies the electrical and thermal transport of materials.