Ibrahim Tanriover Awarded SPIE Optics and Photonics Education Scholarship
Northwestern Engineering’s Ibrahim Tanriover has been awarded a 2023 Optics and Photonics Education Scholarship by SPIE, the international society for optics and photonics, for potential contributions to the field of optics, photonics, or a related field.
Tanriover is a fourth-year PhD student in electrical and computer engineering advised by Koray Aydin, associate professor of electrical and computer engineering at the McCormick School of Engineering and director of the Metamaterials and Nanophotonic Devices Lab.
"I am extremely grateful and humbled to receive this prestigious award, which acknowledges the tireless dedication I have invested in my research," Tanriover said.
The SPIE Scholarship Committee, chaired by SPIE senior member Brian Primeau, selected 72 student members to receive education scholarships totaling $293,000.
Tanriover’s research interests center around optical metasurfaces. He investigates optical properties and potential applications of plasmonic nanoframes and nanoparticles. His current projects focus on developing machine learning approaches for metasurface design, examining optical properties of metallic nanoframes, and designing compact high-efficiency optical computing metasurfaces in nanophotonics.
“Metasurfaces is one of the areas that will shape tomorrow's technology,” Tanriover said. “My goal is to advance metasurface research and make its benefits accessible to users, bridging the gap between scientific breakthroughs and practical applications.”
Last year, Tanriover was awarded an International Institute for Nanotechnology Ryan Graduate Fellowship to support the exploration of fundamental nanoscale science and to advancing this knowledge into practical applications of benefit to society.
In 2020, Tanriover received a Predictive Science and Engineering Design Graduate Program Fellowship in support of interdisciplinary research utilizing predictive science to design and manufacture emerging materials and structure systems.
He earned a master’s degree in electrical and electronics engineering from Bilkent University in Ankara, Turkey, in 2019 and a bachelor’s degree in electrical and electronics engineering from Boğaziçi University in Istanbul.