
Photo of Stephen Ferro

Stephen graduated from Purdue University with a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering. After graduation, he worked for five years at SKF USA, first as an application engineer for the industrial market, then as a design engineer for wind turbine bearing systems. While at SKF, Stephen gained experience working with a variety of industrial equipment, including robot arms, CNC machines, and other precision robotics. He also continued to develop his interest in robotics outside the office, designing and programming drones, simple legged robots, and small IOT devices in his free time.

Stephen is deeply passionate about robotics, and he is excited to join the MSR program to continue to learn more about this cutting-edge field of engineering. He is interested in computer vision, navigation, SLAM, and machine learning as they are applied to autonomous vehicles and mobile robots, as well as the usage of legged and bipedal robots in human-centric environments.