Curriculum / DescriptionsCOMP_SCI 496: Advanced Topics in Approximation Algorithms
This course is not currently offered.
COMP_SCI 437 or instructor approvalDescription
This is a second course on approximation algorithms that focuses on more advanced topics in the field. Below is a tentative list of topics to be covered:
1. Semidefinite Programming (SDP): Includes the Goemans-Williamson algorithm for MAX-CUT, the Karger-Motwani-Sudan algorithm for 3-Coloring, the Arora-Rao-Vazirani algorithm for Balanced Cut, the Raghavendra-Steurer algorithm for MAX CSPs, Cheeger's inequality, and some inapproximability results.
2. Metric Embeddings and Dimension Reduction: Applications to approximation algorithms, including Bourgain's Theorem, embedding into a distribution of trees, Räcke's hierarchical decomposition, and the Johnson–Lindenstrauss transform.
3. Brief Introduction to Sherali-Adams Relaxation and Sum of Squares (SoS): Includes the Raghavendra-Tan algorithm for Max Bisection.
4. Advanced Algorithms for Classic Optimization Problems: Topics such as Facility Location and Group Steiner Tree.
- Approximation Algorithms by Vijay Vazirani.
- The Design of Approximation Algorithms by David Williamson and David Shmoys. A copy of this book is available online (
COURSE INSTRUCTOR: Prof. Konstantin Makarychev