Faculty DirectoryJoseph L. Schofer
Professor Emeritus of Civil and Environmental Engineering
2145 Sheridan RoadTECH L272
Evanston, IL 60208-3109
847-491-8795 Email Joseph Schofer
The Infrastructure Show Podcast
Tampa International Airport Plan
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Master of Project Management Program
Ph.D. Civil Engineering (Transportation), Northwestern University, Evanston, IL
M.S. Civil Engineering (Transportation), Northwestern University, Evanston, IL
B.E. Civil Engineering (summa cum laude), Yale University, New Haven, CT
Research Interests
Joseph Schofer's research and teaching focus on decision support and decision making for transportation and other infrastructure systems, including needs for and use of data and information, and learning from experience and natural experiments, including natural disruptions and major infrastructure investment projects. His research and writing extend to transportation policy, finance, and choices that affect the resilience of transportation systems.
Significant Recognition
- Roy W. Crum Distinguished Service Award in recognition of outstanding achievement in transportation research, Transportation Research Board, 2011
- National Associate of the National Research Council, National Academies
- Wilbur S. Smith Distinguished Transportation Educator, Institute of Transportation Engineers, 2003
- McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science Advisor of the Year, 2002
- Burlington Northern Foundation Award for Excellence in Teaching, 1987
Significant Professional Service
- Member, Chicago Transit Authority Capital Advisory Committee
- Member, Mayor’s Pedestrian Advisory Council (Chicago)
- Member, Transportation Committee, Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning
- Member, Board of Advisors, Institute for Transportation Studies, Univ. of California, Davis
- Transportation Research Board, National Research Council (National Academy of Sciences/National Academy of Engineering)
Selected Publications
1.Joseph L. Schofer and Hani S. Mahmassani, editors, Mobility 2050: A Vision for Transportation Infrastructure, prepared for the Association of Equipment Manufacturers and published by the Transportation Center, Northwestern University, June, 2016. (https://www.transportation.northwestern.edu/research/featured-reports/mobility-2050.html)
2. Joseph L. Schofer, “Introduction to a 2050 U.S. Transportation System,” Chapter One in J.L. Schofer and H.S. Mahmassani, Mobility 2050: A Vision for Transportation Infrastructure, June 2016.
3. Lama Bou Mjahed and J.L. Schofer, Where we Stand: Transportation Infrastructure Today, Chapter two in J.L. Schofer and H.S. Mahmassani, Mobility 2050: A Vision for Transportation Infrastructure, June 2016. Joseph L. Schofer, Paying the Way for Future Transportation Infrastructure, Chapter Ten in J.L. Schofer and H.S. Mahmassani, Mobility 2050: A Vision for Transportation Infrastructure, June 2016.
4. Raymond Chan, Pablo Durango-Cohen and Joseph L. Schofer, “Dynamic Learning Process For Selecting Storm Protection Investments,” Transportation Research Record 2599, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, 2016. Pp. 1-8.
5. Raymond Chan and Joseph Schofer,"Measuring Transportation System Resilience: Response of Rail Transit to Weather Disruptions." Nat. Hazards Rev. , 10.1061/(ASCE)NH.1527-6996.0000200, 4 November 2015.
6. Joseph L. Schofer, “Moving the Goods: Performance Measures and the Value Proposition for Transportation Projects,” 2014 TRB Thomas B. Deen Distinguished Lecture, Transportation Research Record 2460, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, 2014. pp.5-11.
7. Raymond Chan and Joseph L. Schofer, “The Role of Social Media in Communicating Transit Disruptions,” Transit 2014: Journal of the Transportation Research Board No. 2415, 2014.
8. J.L. Schofer and R.C. Chan, “We can Learn Something from that! Promoting an Experimental Culture in Transportation,” Access, V. 44, Spring, 2014, pp. 28-34.