Faculty Directory
Richard M. Lueptow

Professor of Mechanical Engineering (and by courtesy) Chemical and Biological Engineering

Senior Associate Dean


2145 Sheridan Road
Tech L258
Evanston, IL 60208-3109

847-491-2739Email Richard Lueptow


Richard M. Lueptow's Research Group


Mechanical Engineering


Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Graduate Program

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Sc.D. Mechanical Engineering, MIT, Cambridge, MA

S.M. Mechanical Engineering, MIT, Cambridge, MA

B.S. Engineering, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI

Research Interests

Richard Lueptow's current research interests are in two areas: 1) Modeling, simulation, and experiments on the segregation and mixing of bi-and poly-disperse granular materials, both spherical and non-spherical, in quasi-2D and fully 3D geometries; 2) Molecular level simulation of transport processes in polymeric nanofiltration and reverse osmosis membranes.

Significant Recognition

  • American Institute of Chemical Engineers Dow Particle Processing Recognition Award, 2021
  • Northwestern University McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science Teacher of the Year Award (2 times)
  • Society of Automotive Engineers Teetor Educational Award
  • American Society for Engineering Education Dow Outstanding Young Faculty Award
  • William M. Carey Award, National Fire Protection Research Foundation (2 times)
  • Space Act Award from the NASA Inventions and Contributions Board
  • Fellow of the American Physical Society, Division of Fluid Dynamics, 2008
  • Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2012

Significant Professional Service

  • Editorial Board, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 2020-present
  • Editorial Board, Physical Review E, 2020-present
  • Charles Deering McCormick Professor of Teaching Excellence

Selected Publications

  • Duan, Yifei; Umbanhowar, Paul; Ottino, Julio M.; Lueptow, Richard M, Segregation models for density-bidisperse granular flows, Physical Review Fluids 5(4) (2020).
  • Yu, Mengqi; Umbanhowar, Paul B.; Ottino, Julio M.; Lueptow, Richard M., Pattern formation in a fully three-dimensional segregating granular flow, Physical Review E 99(6) (2019).
  • Umbanhowar, Paul B.; Lueptow, Richard M.; Ottino, Julio M., Modeling segregation in granular flows, Annual Review of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering 10:129-153 (2019).
  • Smith, Lachlan D.; Umbanhowar, Paul B.; Lueptow, Richard M.; Ottino, Julio M., The geometry of cutting and shuffling, Physics Reports 802:1-22 (2019).
  • Zaman, Zafir; Yu, Mengqi; Park, Paul P.; Ottino, Julio M.; Lueptow, Richard M.; Umbanhowar, Paul B., Persistent structures in a three-dimensional dynamical system with flowing and non-flowing regions, Nature communications 9(1) (2018).
  • Fry, Alexander M.; Umbanhowar, Paul B.; Ottino, Julio M.; Lueptow, Richard M., Effect of pressure on segregation in granular shear flows, Physical Review E 97(6) (2018).
  • Deng, Zhekai; Umbanhowar, Paul B.; Ottino, Julio M.; Lueptow, Richard M., Continuum modelling of segregating tridisperse granular chute fow, Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 474(2211) (2018).
  • Smith, Lachlan D.; Umbanhowar, Paul B.; Ottino, Julio M.; Lueptow, Richard M., Mixing and transport from combined stretching-and-folding and cutting-and-shuffling, Physical Review E 96(4) (2017).
  • Xiao, Hongyi; Ottino, Julio M.; Lueptow, Richard M.; Umbanhowar, Paul B., Transient response in granular quasi-two-dimensional bounded heap flow, Physical Review E 96(4) (2017).
  • Martinand, Denis; Serre, Eric; Lueptow, Richard M., Linear and weakly nonlinear analyses of cylindrical Couette flow with axial and radial flows, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 824:438-476 (2017).
  • Fan, Yi; Jacob, Karl V.; Freireich, Ben; Lueptow, Richard M, Segregation of granular materials in bounded heap flow, Powder Technology 312:67-88 (2017).
  • Park, Paul P.; Lynn, Thomas F.; Umbanhowar, Paul B.; Ottino, Julio M.; Lueptow, Richard M., Mixing and the fractal geometry of piecewise isometries, Physical Review E 95(4) (2017).
  • Xiao, Hongyi; McDonald, David; Fan, Yi; Umbanhowar, Paul B.; Ottino, Julio M.; Lueptow, Richard M., Controlling granular segregation using modulated flow, Powder Technology 312:360-368 (2017).
  • Yu, Mengqi; Umbanhowar, Paul; Ottino, Julio M; Lueptow, Richard M, Cutting and Shuffling of a Line Segment, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 26(14) (2016).
  • Shen, Meng; Keten, Sinan; Lueptow, Richard M., Dynamics of water and solute transport in polymeric reverse osmosis membranes via molecular dynamics simulations, Journal of Membrane Science 506:95-108 (2016).
  • Shen, Meng; Keten, Sinan; Lueptow, Richard M., Rejection mechanisms for contaminants in polyamide reverse osmosis membranes, Journal of Membrane Science 509:36-47 (2016).
  • Xiao, Hongyi; Umbanhowar, Paul B.; Ottino, Julio M.; Lueptow, Richard M., Modelling density segregation in flowing bidisperse granular materials, Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 472(2191) (2016).
  • Park, Paul P.; Umbanhowar, Paul B.; Ottino, Julio M.; Lueptow, Richard M., Mixing with piecewise isometries on a hemispherical shell, Chaos 26(7) (2016).
  • Schlick, Conor P.; Isner, Austin B.; Freireich, Ben J.; Fan, Yi; Umbanhowar, Paul B.; Ottino, Julio M.; Lueptow, Richard M., A continuum approach for predicting segregation in flowing polydisperse granular materials, Journal of fluid Mechanics 797:95-109 (2016).