Faculty Directory
Shu Q. Liu

Professor of Biomedical Engineering


2145 Sheridan Road
Tech E374
Evanston, IL 60208-3107

Email Shu Liu


Biomedical Engineering


PhD Program in Interdisciplinary Biological Sciences

Download CV


Ph.D. Bioengineering, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA

M.S. Physiology, Medical School of Neimengu, Huhehot, China

B.M., Medical School of Neimengu, Huhehot, China

Research Interests

Dr. Liu is interested in cell protective engineering, the engineering aspect of protective medicine. In particular, Dr. Liu intends to understand the naturally occurring cell protective mechanisms in ischemic disorders, including heart attack and ischemic stroke, and develop cell protective engineering strategies for the treatment of these disorders.

Significant Recognition

  • 1993, Best journal paper award, American Society of Mechanical Engineers
  • 1994, Melville Medal, American Society of Mechanical Engineers
  • 1998, Established investigator Award, American Heart Association
  • 2000, Richard Skalak Best Paper Award, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers 2003, Featured articles (2), Association for Eradication of Heart Attack
  • 2003, Featured articles (2), Association for Eradication of Heart Attack

Selected Publications


Liu SQ, Bioregenerative Engineering: Principles and Applications. Wiley Interscience, New York, 2007.

Liu SQ. Cardiovascular Engineering: A Protective Approach. McGraw-Hill, New York, 2020.  


Selected Publications

Liu S.Q. Focal expression of angiotensin II type 1 receptor and smooth muscle cell proliferation in the neointima of experimental vein grafts: relation to eddy blood flow. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis & Vascular Biology 19: 2630-2639, 1999.

Moore M.M., Goldman J., Patel A., Chien S., and Liu S.Q. Role of tensile stress and strain in the induction of cell death in experimental vein grafts. Journal of Biomechanics 34:289-297, 2001.

Li Y. C., Kong J., Wei M., Chen Z.-F., Liu S. Q., and Cao L.-P. 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 is a negative endocrine regulator of the renin-angiotensin system. Journal of Clinical Investigation 110: 229-238, 2002.

Goldman J., L. Zhong, S. Q. Liu. Degradation of alpha actin filaments in vascular smooth muscle cells in response to mechanical stretch. American Journal of Physiology Heart and Circulatory Physiology 284: H1839-H1847, 2003.

Liu S.Q., Tang D., Tieche C, and Alkema P. Pattern formation of vascular smooth muscle cells subject to non-uniform fluid shear stress: Mediation by cell density gradients. American Journal of Physiology Heart and Circulatory Physiology 285:H1071 – H1080, 2003.

Liu S. Q, Tieche C., Tang D., and Alkema P. Pattern formation of vascular smooth muscle cells subject to non-uniform fluid shear stress: Role of platelet-derived growth factor beta receptor and Src. American Journal of Physiology Heart and Circulatory Physiology 285:H1081-H1090, 2003.

Liu S.Q., Tieche C., and Alkema P.K. Neointima formation on elastic lamina and collagen matrix scaffolds implanted in the rat aorta. Biomaterials 25:1869-1882, 2004.

Liu S. Q., Alkema P. K., Tieche C., Tefft B. J., Liu D. Z., Sumpio B. E., Caprini J. A., Li Y. C., and Paniagua M. Negative regulation of monocyte adhesion to arterial elastic laminae by signal-regulatory protein alpha and SH2 domain-containing protein tyrosine phosphatase-1. Journal of Biological Chemistry 280:39294 - 39301, 2005.

Goldman J., Zhong L., and Liu S. Q. Negative regulation of vascular smooth muscle cell migration by blood shear stress. American Journal of Physiology Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 292:H928-H938, 2007.

Liu S. Q., Tefft B.J., Zhang A., Zhang L-Q, and Wu Y.H. Formation of smooth muscle alpha actin filaments in CD34-positive bone marrow cells in elastic lamina-dominant matrix of arteries. Matrix Biology 27:282-294, 2008.

Kong J, Qiao G, Zhang Z, Liu SQ, and Li YC. Targeting VDR Expression in Juxtaglomerular Cells Suppresses Renin Expression Independently of PTH and Calcium. Kidney International 74:1577-01581, 2008.

Kong J., Qiao G., Zhang Z., Liu S.Q., and Li Y.C. Transgenic Expression of Human Vitamin D Receptor in Juxtaglomerular Cells Suppresses Renin Expression Independently of Parathyroid Hormone and Calcium. American Journal of Pathology 177:622-631, 2010.

Tefft BJ, Kopacz AM, Liu WK, Liu SQ. Enhancing Endothelial Cell Retention on Vascular Constructs by siRNA-Mediated SHP-1 Gene Silencing. Journal of Nanotechnology in Engineering and Medicine 2:011007-1 - 6, 2011.

Liu S.Q., Tefft B.J., Liu C., Zhang B., and Wu Y.H. Regulation of Hepatic Cell Mobilization in Experimental Myocardial Ischemia. Cell and Molecular Bioengineering 4:693–707, 2011.

Szeto F.L., Reardon C.A., Yoon D., Wong K.E., Chen Y., Kong J., Wang Y., Liu S.Q., Thadhani R., Getz G.S., Li Y.C. Macrophage Vitamin D Receptor Signaling Inhibits Atherosclerosis in Mice. Molecular Endocrinology 26:1091-1101, 2012.

Liu SQ, Ren YP, Zhang L-Q, Li YC, Phillips H, Wu YH. Cardioprotective proteins upregulated in the liver in response to experimental myocardial ischemia. American Journal of Physiology Heart and Circulatory Physiology 303:H1446-1458, 2012.

Tefft BJ, Kopacz AM, Liu WK, Liu SQ. Experimental and computational validation of Hele-Shaw stagnation flow with varying shear stress. Computational Mechanics 52:1463-1473, 2013.

Liu SQ, Roberts D, Kharitonenkov A, Li YC, Zhang L-Q, Wu YH. Cardioprotective action of fibroblast growth factor 21 upregulated and released from the liver and adipose tissue in experimental myocardial Ischemia. Scientific Reports 3:2767, 2013.           

Liu SQ, Roberts D, Ren Y, Zhang L-Q, and Wu YH. Trefoil Factor 3 as an Endocrine Neuroprotective Factor from the liver in Experimental Cerebral Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury. PLOS ONE 8:e77732, 2013.

Chi Y, Wang L, Liu YY, Ma YH, Wang RJ, Han XF, Qiao H, Lin JB, Matsuura E, Liu SQ, Liu QP. 7-ketocholesteryl-9-carboxynonanoate enhances ATP binding cassette transporter A1 expression mediated by PPARγ in THP-1 macrophages. Atherosclerosis 234:461-468, 2014.

Liu SQ, Ma XL, Qin GJ, Liu QP, Li YC, Wu YH. Trans-system mechanisms against ischemic myocardial injury. Comprehensive Physiology 5:167-192, 2015.

Tefft BJ, Kopacz AM, Liu WK, Liu SQ. Enhancement of endothelial cell retention on ePTFE vascular constructs by siRNA-mediated SHP-1 or SHP-2 gene silencing. Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering 8:507–516, 2015.

Wang J, Chen L, Chen B, Meliton A, Liu SQ, Shi Y, Liu T, Deb D, Solway J, Li YC. Chronic Activation of the Renin-Angiotensin System Induces Lung Fibrosis. Scientific Reports 5:15561, 2015.

Shi Y, Liu T, He L, Dougherty U, Chen L, Adhikari S, Alpert L, Guolin Zhou G, Liu W, Wang J, Deb D, Hart J, Liu SQ, Kwon J, Pekow J, Rubin D, Zhao Q, Bissonnette M, and Li YC. Activation of the Renin-Angiotensin System Promotes Colitis Development. Scientific Reports 6: 27552, 2016.

Liu SQ. Cardiac protective engineering. J Biomech Eng. 141: 090801-1, 2019.

Liu SQ. Systems neuroprotective mechanisms in ischemic stroke. MCB 16(2):75 – 85, 2019.

Liu SQ, Troy JB, Luan C-H, Guillory RJ. Hepatic cell mobilization for protection against ischemic myocardial injury. Scientific Reports 11: 15830, 2021.

Morath LM, Guillory II RJ, Oliver AA, Liu SQ, Bocks ML, Levy GK, Jaroslaw W. Drelich JW, Goldman J. Conventional Platinum Metal Implants Provoke Restenosis Responses in Atherogenic but Not Healthy Arteries. Sci 5, 25: 2023.

Goldman J, Liu SQ, and Tefft BJ. Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Thrombogenic Properties of Arterial Elastic Laminae. Bioengineering 10: 424. 2023,

Liu SQ. Protective biology and engineering. ASME Open Journal of Engineering 2, 021042-1, 2023.

Liu SQ, Troy JB, Goldman J, Roger J. Guillory RJ. Calcium phosphate formation and deposition in ischemic neurons. PLOS ONE 2024, accepted.

Liu SQ. Molecular mechanisms of cell protection against injury –– The foundation of protective engineering. ASME Open Journal of Engineering 2024 accepted.