Faculty DirectoryMatthew Kay

Associate Professor of Computer Science
Associate Professor of Communication Studies
MUDD 2233 Tech Drive3rd Floor
Evanston, IL 60208-3109
Email Matthew Kay
Research Interests
Matthew Kay is an Assistant Professor jointly appointed in Computer Science and Communications Studies at Northwestern University. He works in human-computer interaction and information visualization; more specifically, his research areas include uncertainty visualization, personal health informatics, and the design of human-centered tools for data analysis. His current research is funded by multiple NSF awards, and he has received multiple best paper awards across human-computer interaction and information visualization venues (including CHI, InfoVis, UbiComp, and MobileHCI). He co-directs the Midwest Uncertainty Collective and is the author of the tidybayes and ggdist R packages for visualizing Bayesian statistical model output and uncertainty. For more information, visit his website.
Selected Publications
- Kim, Taewook; Han, Hyomin; Adar, Eytan; Kay, Matthew; Chung, John Joon Young, Authors' Values and Attitudes Towards AI-bridged Scalable Personalization of Creative Language Arts, Association for Computing Machinery (2024).
- Long, Sheng; Kay, Matthew, To Cut or Not To Cut? A Systematic Exploration of Y-axis Truncation, Association for Computing Machinery (2024).
- Cai, Mandi; Kay, Matthew, Watching the Election Sausage Get Made, Association for Computing Machinery (2024).
- Ge, Lily W.; Hedayati, Maryam; Cui, Yuan; Ding, Yiren; Bonilla, Karen; Joshi, Alark; Ottley, Alvitta; Bach, Benjamin; Kwon, Bum Chul; Rapp, David N.; Peck, Evan; Padilla, Lace M.; Correll, Michael; Borkin, Michelle A.; Harrison, Lane; Kay, Matthew Jeremy Shaver, Toward a More Comprehensive Understanding of Visualization Literacy, Association for Computing Machinery (2024).
- Yang, Fumeng; Mortenson, Chloe; Nisbet, Erik C.; Diakopoulos, Nicholas; Kay, Matthew, In Dice We Trust, Association for Computing Machinery (2024).
- Sarma, Abhraneel; Hwang, Kyle; Hullman, Jessica; Kay, Matthew, Milliways, Association for Computing Machinery (2024).
- Ge, Lily W.; Easterday, Matthew; Kay, Matthew; Dimara, Evanthia; Cheng, Peter; Franconeri, Steven L., V-FRAMER, Association for Computing Machinery (2024).
- Sarma, Abhraneel; Pu, Xiaoying; Cui, Yuan; Correll, Michael; Brown, Eli T.; Kay, Matthew, Odds and Insights, Association for Computing Machinery (2024).