Faculty Directory
Giorgia Chinazzo

Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Director of the Architectural Engineering and Design Program


2145 Sheridan Road
Tech A320
Evanston, IL 60208-3109

847-467-3627Email Giorgia Chinazzo


Civil and Environmental Engineering


Ph.D. in Building Science, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL)

M.Sc. in Architectural Engineering, Politecnico di Milano (Double Degree from Alta Scuola Politecnica)

M.Sc. & B.Sc. in Architectural Engineering, Politecnico di Torino


Chinazzo’s work focuses on creating knowledge and technologies in support of the intelligent buildings of the future—spaces that can sense, adapt, respond, and improve the quality of life of occupants while reducing environmental impact. Her research blends engineering, architecture, data science, and health and social sciences to explore how buildings influence people’s health, well-being, and behavior, and how these factors shape overall building performance. By uncovering the complex interactions between people and the spaces they inhabit, Chinazzo develops innovative solutions to design, renovate, operate, and use buildings sustainably, helping address the global climate crisis.

Chinazzo, an Architectural Engineer by training, earned her PhD in Building Science from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne and joined Northwestern in 2021. In 2023, she was appointed director of the CEE Department’s Architectural Engineering and Design program.

Courses Taught

  • Building Science: Fundamentals and Applications for Sustainable Buildings – Part 1
  • Building Science: Fundamentals and Applications for Sustainable Buildings – Part 2
  • Professional Development Seminar

Selected Publications

  • Chinazzo, Giorgia; Andersen, Rune Korsholm; Azar, Elie; Barthelmes, Verena M.; Becchio, Cristina; Belussi, Lorenzo; Berger, Christiane; Carlucci, Salvatore; Corgnati, Stefano Paolo; Crosby, Sarah; Danza, Ludovico; de Castro, Luiza; Favero, Matteo; Gauthier, Stephanie; Hellwig, Runa T.; Jin, Quan; Kim, Joyce; Sarey Khanie, Mandana; Khovalyg, Dolaana; Lingua, Carola; Luna-Navarro, Alessandra; Mahdavi, Ardeshir; Miller, Clayton; Mino-Rodriguez, Isabel; Pigliautile, Ilaria; Pisello, Anna Laura; Rupp, Ricardo Forgiarini; Sadick, Abdul Manan; Salamone, Francesco; Schweiker, Marcel; Syndicus, Marc; Spigliantini, Giorgia; Vasquez, Natalia Giraldo; Vakalis, Donna; Vellei, Marika; Wei, Shen, Quality criteria for multi-domain studies in the indoor environment, Building and Environment (2022).
  • Karmann, Caroline; Chinazzo, Giorgia; Schüler, Andreas; Manwani, Krishna; Wienold, Jan; Andersen, Marilyne, User assessment of fabric shading devices with a low openness factor, Building and Environment (2023).
  • Cureau, R. J.; Pigliautile, I.; Pisello, A. L.; Bavaresco, M.; Berger, C.; Chinazzo, G.; Deme Belafi, Zs; Ghahramani, A.; Heydarian, A.; Kastner, D.; Kong, M.; Licina, D.; Luna-Navarro, A.; Mahdavi, A.; Nocente, A.; Schweiker, M.; Vellei, M.; Wang, A., Bridging the gap from test rooms to field-tests for human indoor comfort studies, Energy Research and Social Science (2022).
  • Ko, Won Hee; Schiavon, Stefano; Altomonte, Sergio; Andersen, Marilyne; Batool, Ayesha; Browning, William; Burrell, Galen; Chamilothori, Kynthia; Chan, Ying Chieh; Chinazzo, Giorgia; Christoffersen, Jens; Clanton, Nancy; Connock, Christopher; Dogan, Timur; Faircloth, Billie; Fernandes, Luís; Heschong, Lisa; Houser, Kevin W.; Inanici, Mehlika; Jakubiec, Alstan; Joseph, Anjali; Karmann, Caroline; Kent, Michael; Konis, Kyle; Konstantzos, Iason; Lagios, Kera; Lam, Linda; Lam, Florence; Lee, Eleanor; Levitt, Brendon; Li, Wenting; MacNaughton, Piers; Ardakan, Ahoo Malekafzali; Mardaljevic, John; Matusiak, Barbara; Osterhaus, Werner; Petersen, Steffen; Piccone, Matt; Pierson, Clotilde; Protzman, Brent; Rakha, Tarek; Reinhart, Christoph; Rockcastle, Siobhan; Samuelson, Holly; Santos, Luis; Sawyer, Azadeh; Selkowitz, Stephen; Sok, Eloïse; Strømann-Andersen, Jakob; Sullivan, William C.; Turan, Irmak; Unnikrishnan, Gayathri; Vicent, Will; Weissman, Dan; Wienold, Jan, Window View Quality, LEUKOS - Journal of Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (2022).
  • Bellazzi, Alice; Bellia, Laura; Chinazzo, Giorgia; Corbisiero, Federica; D'Agostino, Pierpaolo; Devitofrancesco, Anna; Fragliasso, Francesca; Ghellere, Matteo; Megale, Valentino; Salamone, Francesco, Virtual reality for assessing visual quality and lighting perception, Building and Environment (2022).
  • Pisello, A. L.; Pigliautile, I.; Andargie, M.; Berger, C.; Bluyssen, P. M.; Carlucci, S.; Chinazzo, G.; Deme Belafi, Z.; Dong, B.; Favero, M.; Ghahramani, A.; Havenith, G.; Heydarian, A.; Kastner, D.; Kong, M.; Licina, D.; Liu, Y.; Luna-Navarro, A.; Mahdavi, A.; Nocente, A.; Schweiker, M.; Touchie, M.; Vellei, M.; Vittori, F.; Wagner, A.; Wang, A.; Wei, S., Test rooms to study human comfort in buildings, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (2021).
  • Chinazzo, Giorgia; Wienold, Jan; Andersen, Marilyne, Effect of Indoor Temperature and Glazing with Saturated Color on Visual Perception of Daylight, LEUKOS - Journal of Illuminating Engineering Society of North America 17(2):183-204 (2021).
  • Chinazzo, Giorgia, Investigating the indoor environmental quality of different workplaces through web-scraping and text-mining of Glassdoor reviews, Building Research and Information 49(6):695-713 (2021).