Graduate Student Bryce Meredig Named Presidential Fellow
Bryce Meredig, PhD student in materials science and engineering, was one of seven University graduate students who were recently awarded the Presidential Fellowship, a highly competitive award that is the most prestigious fellowship awarded by Northwestern.
Presidential Fellows are students who combine outstanding intellectual or creative ability with the capacity to play an active part in the life of the Society of Fellows, distinguished faculty members and previous Presidential Fellows. The society creates future leaders who embrace and support Northwestern’s broad scholarship.
Meredig is part of the lab of Chris Wolverton, professor of materials science and engineering. His research is in crystal structure prediction; oxide-based thermochemical water- and carbon dioxide-splitting cycles; predicting thermodynamic properties from first principles; and classical molecular dynamics simulations of organic systems. He holds a BAS in materials science and Germanic studies from Stanford University and was previously named a 2009 National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellow and a 2007 Northwestern University Cabell Fellow.
Meredig is also the founder of SPG Improv, the University’s only graduate improv group.