MGLC Announces Engineering and Science Art Fair Winners
The winners of the Fourth Annual Engineering and Science Art Fair put on by the McCormick Graduate Leadership Council have been announced.
Winners include:
1st Prize: ($150) "Small Worlds" by Mark McClendon
2nd Prize: ($100) "Flowers in a Nano-world" by Shiqiang (Mike) Li
2-D General:
1st Prize: ($150) "Blue" by Louise Giam
2nd Prize: ($100) "Self-portrait" by Yan Zhao
3-D General:
1st Prize: ($150) "Alien Goddess" by Chris Wilmer
2nd Prize: ($100) "Liquid Stability" by Mark McClendon
1st Prize: ($150) "Above or Below" by Alexander Adler
2nd Prize: ($100) "Abstract Sunset" by Kim Adams
Special Prizes:
- Artica Studio's Most Original Concept Award: "Liquid Stability" by Mark McClendon
- Tom Thumb Hobby Store's Creative Use of Media Award: "Crack Tip Wipeout" by Stephanie Chan
- Second City's Most Comedic Award: "Nano-wang" by Marty Donatowski
- Food for Thought Award: "Organic" by Sherif R. Fahmy
- Greener Planet Award: "Green" by Di Wu
Click here to view the winning entries.