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Master Classes for Graphics in Research

Workshops will happen daily from June 27-30

Scientific graphics often pack a one-two punch.

Displaying complex processes and data not only helps in understanding and communication, it can also give scientists new insight into their own work.

Felice FrankelTo help researchers develop new tools for creating cover submissions and figures, Northwestern Engineering will host hands-on workshops for graduate students and researchers called “Visual Representation of Research” from June 27-30.

Science photographer Felice Frankel, a research scientist in the Center of Materials Science and Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and co-author of Visual Strategies, will teach the workshop. A Guggenheim fellow, Frankel promotes the public understanding of science through visual expression. She was the principal investigator of the National Science Foundation-funded program “Picturing to Learn,” which studied how visualization aids teaching and learning.

Participants must register by Friday, June 10. Workshops will take place from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on the following dates:

Monday, June 27 in the Ford Design Studio

Tuesday, June 28 in the ITW Classroom

Wednesday, June 29 in the Ford Design Studio

Thursday, June 30 in the Ford Design Studio

Before attending a workshop, participants should explore an online, condensed version of the MOOC she created in Canvas, which includes five video lectures addressing the visual representation of research. Viewing time for the videos is a little over one hour.

Participants must submit one (only one) draft figure or image by June 20. Each participant will present this design and its related research during the workshop.

Workshop coordinator Jiaxing Huang, associate professor of materials science and engineering, will host information sessions for potential participants to discuss the event’s format and expectations. The next session will take place at 11 a.m. on Friday, June 10 in Tech L150.