SWE Hosts 27th Annual Industry Day
More than 750 students and alumni will meet with top companies
As the year transitions into fall, recruiting season begins for engineers.
Several of the world’s top companies, including Microsoft, Google, Boeing, and 3M, will visit campus next week for Northwestern’s Society of Women Engineers (SWE) Industry Day.
The event, which will feature more than 65 companies, will take place from 4 to 9 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 16 at the Hilton Garden, 1818 Maple Avenue, Evanston.
Launched 27 years ago, SWE Industry Day is the largest engineering and technology career fair on campus. Over the years, assistant dean Ellen Worsdall has noted a significant increase in the recruitment of computer science majors. But this year, she expects that recruiting will increase for all types of engineers.
“With so many baby boomers retiring, engineers are in high demand,” said Worsdall, who is also the adviser to SWE. “Several top companies are expected to hire significant portions of their workforces over the next few years.”
“Companies from all over the country are not just looking for full-time employees, but also for summer interns and co-ops,” added program director Sara Smith (mechanical engineering ’14).
Open to all Northwestern students and alumni, SWE Industry Day organizers expect as many as 750 visitors. A Wildcard is required for entry, and business attire is strongly suggested.
For a complete list of companies attending SWE Industry Day and the majors they plan to recruit, visit swe.mccormick.northwestern.edu/iday.html.