Faculty DirectoryPeter W. Voorhees

Frank C. Engelhart Professor of Materials Science and Engineering and (by courtesy) Professor of Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics
Co-Director, CHiMaD
2220 Campus DriveCook Hall 2036
Evanston, IL 60208
Email Peter Voorhees
Materials Science and Engineering
PhD Program in Applied Physics
Ph.D. Materials Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY
B.S. Physics, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY
Research Interests
The Voorhees research group is focused on the kinetics of phase transformations using experiment, simulation, and theory. These phase transformations range from the growth of nanowires from the vapor and graphene, to the solidification of alloys. We measure the evolution of interfacial morphology during phase transformations using techniques such as time resolved three-dimensional X-ray tomography and automated serial sectioning. Our recent studies on simulations of phase transformations include work on a method to follow the atomic structure of a material on diffusional time scales and the growth of oxides on metal surfaces. We also combine the experiments with simulations by using the measured three-dimensional interfacial morphologies as initial conditions in simulations and then comparing the results of the simulations and experiment at some later time. Through our involvement in Northwestern’s Center for Hierarchical Materials Design, we use these models to design materials with novel properties.
Significant Recognition
- Elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2016
- Fellow, The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, 2013
- J. Willard Gibbs Phase Equilibria Award, ASM International, 2013
- Fellow, American Physical Society, Material Physics Division, 2005
- Highly Cited Researcher, Institute for Scientific Information, 2002
- Fellow, ASM International, 2001
- Materials Science and Engineering Teacher of the Year, 1999
- Outstanding Referee, Acta Materialia, 1998
- ASM International Materials Science Division Research Award (Silver Medal), 1992
- McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science Award for Teaching Excellence, 1992
- Acta Metallurgica et Materialia Outstanding Paper Award, 1991
- Materials Science and Engineering Teacher of the Year, 1989, 1990
- National Science Foundation Presidential Young Investigator Award, 1989
Significant Professional Service
- Frank C. Engelhart Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, 2000
- National Science Foundation Creativity Extension, 1999
Selected Publications
- Mukherjee, Arnab; Warren, James A.; Voorhees, Peter W., A quantitative variational phase field framework, Acta Materialia (2023).
- Hareland, Christopher A.; Guillemot, Gildas; Gandin, Charles André; Voorhees, Peter W., The thermodynamics of non-equilibrium interfaces during phase transformations in concentrated multicomponent alloys, Acta Materialia (2022).
- Staublin, Philip; Mukherjee, Arnab; Warren, James A.; Voorhees, Peter W., Phase-field model for anisotropic grain growth, Acta Materialia (2022).
- Chadwick, Alexander F.; Voorhees, Peter W., The development of grain structure during additive manufacturing, Acta Materialia 211 (2021).
- Zhang, Jin; Ludwig, Wolfgang; Zhang, Yubin; Sørensen, Hans Henrik B.; Rowenhorst, David J.; Yamanaka, Akinori; Voorhees, Peter W.; Poulsen, Henning F., Grain boundary mobilities in polycrystals, Acta Materialia 191:211-220 (2020).
- Elder, Kate L.M.; Stan, Tiberiu; Sun, Yue; Xiao, Xianghui; Voorhees, Peter W., Microstructural characterization of dendritic evolution using two-point statistics, Scripta Materialia 182:81-85 (2020).
- Alster, Eli; Elder, K. R.; Voorhees, Peter W., Displacive phase-field crystal model, Physical Review Materials 4(1) (2020).
- Stan, Tiberiu; Thompson, Zachary T.; Voorhees, Peter W., Optimizing convolutional neural networks to perform semantic segmentation on large materials imaging datasets, Materials Characterization 160 (2020).
- Yu, Xiao Xiang; Gulec, Ahmet; Sherman, Quentin; Cwalina, Katie Lutton; Scully, John R.; Perepezko, John H.; Voorhees, Peter W.; Marks, Laurence D., Nonequilibrium Solute Capture in Passivating Oxide Films, Physical review letters 121(14) (2018).
- Kim, Kyoungdoc; Voorhees, Peter W., Ostwald ripening of spheroidal particles in multicomponent alloys, Acta Materialia 152:327-337 (2018).
- Lilleodden, Erica T.; Voorhees, Peter W., On the topological, morphological, and microstructural characterization of nanoporous metals, MRS Bulletin 43(1):20-26 (2018).
- Yamanaka, Akinori; McReynolds, Kevin; Voorhees, Peter W., Phase field crystal simulation of grain boundary motion, grain rotation and dislocation reactions in a BCC bicrystal, Acta Materialia 133:160-171 (2017).
- Sun, Yue; Cecen, Ahmet; Gibbs, John W.; Kalidindi, Surya R.; Voorhees, Peter W., Analytics on large microstructure datasets using two-point spatial correlations, Acta Materialia 132:374-388 (2017).
- Zhang, Jin; Poulsen, Stefan O.; Gibbs, John W.; Voorhees, Peter W.; Poulsen, Henning F., Determining material parameters using phase-field simulations and experiments, Acta Materialia 129:229-238 (2017).
- Cool, T.; Voorhees, P. W., The evolution of dendrites during coarsening, Acta Materialia 127:359-367 (2017).
- Weatherup, Robert S.; Shahani, Ashwin J.; Wang, Zhu Jun; Mingard, Ken; Pollard, Andrew J.; Willinger, Marc Georg; Schloegl, Robert; Voorhees, Peter W.; Hofmann, Stephan, In Situ Graphene Growth Dynamics on Polycrystalline Catalyst Foils, Nano letters 16(10):6196-6206 (2016).
- Shahani, Ashwin J.; Xiao, Xianghui; Voorhees, Peter W., The mechanism of eutectic growth in highly anisotropic materials, Nature communications 7 (2016).
- McReynolds, Kevin; Wu, Kuo An; Voorhees, Peter, Grain growth and grain translation in crystals, Acta Materialia 120:264-272 (2016).
- Poulsen, S. O.; Voorhees, P. W., Early stage phase separation in ternary alloys, Acta Materialia 113:98-108 (2016).
- Shahani, Ashwin J.; Gulsoy, E. Begum; Poulsen, Stefan O.; Xiao, Xianghui; Voorhees, Peter W, Twin-mediated crystal growth, Scientific reports 6 (2016).