Faculty DirectoryScott Barnett

Professor of Materials Science and Engineering
2220 Campus DriveCook Hall 2036
Evanston, IL 60208
Email Scott Barnett
Materials Science and Engineering
Ph.D. Metallurgy, University of Illinois at Urbana, Champaign, IL
B.S. Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana, Champaign, IL
Research Interests
Barnett has worked extensively on ceramic thin films and coatings, including hard coatings and transparent conducting oxides. In the area of energy research, Barnett has been studying solid oxide fuel cells for > 25 years. His general areas of interest in fuel cells include novel processing methods including 3D printing and thin electrolyte deposition, electrode reaction mechanisms, intermediate-temperature solid oxide cells, direct utilization of hydrocarbon fuels, 3D imaging of electrode microstructure, and reversible cells for energy storage. The 3D imaging work includes pioneering studies connecting electrode processing methods to the resulting microstructure and in turn to the electrochemical characteristics. He has also worked on studies of Li ion battery electrodes, including 3D tomographic imaging. Recent research includes studies of reversible solid oxide cells for energy storage applications, and combined electrochemical and microstructural studies of electrode evolution over time, important for predicting the long-term durability of electrochemical devices. He has published more than 300 scientific journal articles, many highly cited.
Significant Recognition
- Fulbright award, 2015
- Otto Mønsted Guest Professorship, Danish Technical University, 2013
- Cheng Tsang Man Endowed Professorship, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 2008
- Fellow, American Vacuum Society (AVS), 1998
- Department Teacher of the Year, 1993
- Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Award, 1986
Selected Publications
- Hong, Junsung; Grimes, Jerren; Cox, Dalton; Barnett, Scott A., Life testing of 10 cm × 10 cm fuel-electrode-supported solid oxide cells in reversible operation, Applied Energy (2024).
- Yu, Xiankai; Scipioni, Roberto; Xu, Yao bin; Wu, Jinsong; Dravid, Vinayak P.; Barnett, Scott A., Beneficial Effects of La0.5Sr0.5CoO3 Coatings on Thin-Film LiMn2O4 Cathodes for Lithium Ion Batteries, Advanced Sustainable Systems (2023).
- Moazzen, Elahe; Mujtaba, Jawayria; Buchholz, Bruce; Isheim, Dieter; Luu, Norman S.; Rowell, David; Hu, Xiaobing; Ha, Trung; Hersam, Mark C.; Barnett, Scott A., Atom Probe Tomography of the LiFePO4-Electrolyte Interface Enabled by Thin Film Electrodes, Journal of the Electrochemical Society (2024).
- Schmauss, Travis A.; Barnett, Scott A., Atomic layer deposition for surface area determination of solid oxide electrodes, Journal of Materials Chemistry A (2023).
- Cox, Dalton M.; Barnett, Scott A., A Method for Time-Resolved Characterization of Polarization-Induced Solid Oxide Cell Microstructure Evolution, Journal of the Electrochemical Society (2023).
- Donazzi, Alessandro; Schmauss, Travis A.; Barnett, Scott A., Catalytic and electrocatalytic performance of Sr(Ti0.3Fe0.7Ru0.07)O3-δ for applications in solid oxide fuel cells supplied with ethanol steam reforming mixtures, Journal of Power Sources (2022).
- Yang, Tianrang; Kollasch, Shannon L.; Grimes, Jerren; Xue, Alan; Barnett, Scott A., (La0.8Sr0.2)0.98MnO3-δ-Zr0.92Y0.16O2-δ:PrOx for oxygen electrode supported solid oxide cells, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental (2022).
- Park, Beom Kyeong; Cox, Dalton; Barnett, Scott A., Effect of Nanoscale Ce0.8Gd0.2O2-δInfiltrant and Steam Content on Ni-(Y2O3)0.08(ZrO2)0.92Fuel Electrode Degradation during High-Temperature Electrolysis, Nano letters (2021).
- Grimes, Jerren; Barnett, Scott A., Effect of Pressurization on Solid Oxide Cell Oxygen Electrodes, Journal of the Electrochemical Society 168(8) (2021).
- Moazzen, Elahe; Scipioni, Roberto; Ma, Miaomiao; Barnett, Scott, Interpretation and Modelling of the Electrochemical Impedance of LiFePO4/Li4Ti5O12Batteries, Journal of the Electrochemical Society 168(5) (2021).
- Zhang, Qian; Liu, Qin Yuan; Park, Beom Kyeong; Barnett, Scott; Voorhees, Peter, The oxygen partial pressure in solid oxide electrolysis cells with multilayer electrolytes, Acta Materialia 213 (2021).
- Zhang, Shan Lin; Wang, Hongqian; Yang, Tianrang; Lu, Matthew Y.; Li, Cheng Xin; Li, Chang Jiu; Barnett, Scott A., Advanced oxygen-electrode-supported solid oxide electrochemical cells with Sr(Ti,Fe)O3-: δ-based fuel electrodes for electricity generation and hydrogen production, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 8(48):25867-25879 (2020).
- Park, Beom Kyeong; Scipioni, Roberto; Zhang, Qian; Cox, Dalton; Voorhees, Peter W.; Barnett, Scott A., Tuning electrochemical and transport processes to achieve extreme performance and efficiency in solid oxide cells, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 8(23):11687-11694 (2020).
- Park, Beom Kyeong; Scipioni, Roberto; Cox, Dalton; Barnett, Scott A., Enhancement of Ni-(Y2O3)0.08(ZrO2)0.92 fuel electrode performance by infiltration of Ce0.8Gd0.2O2-: δ nanoparticles, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 8(7):4099-4106 (2020).
- Park, Beom Kyeong; Zhang, Qian; Voorhees, Peter W.; Barnett, Scott A., Conditions for stable operation of solid oxide electrolysis cells, Energy and Environmental Science 12(10):3053-3062 (2019).
- Zhu, Tenglong; Troiani, Horacio; Mogni, Liliana V.; Santaya, Mariano; Han, Minfang; Barnett, Scott A., Exsolution and electrochemistry in perovskite solid oxide fuel cell anodes, Journal of Power Sources 439 (2019).
- Schmauss, Travis A.; Railsback, Justin G.; Lu, Matthew Y.; Zhao, Kevin Y.; Barnett, Scott A., ZrO2 atomic layer deposition into Sr0.5Sm0.5CoO3-: δ-Ce0.9Gd0.1O2- δ solid oxide fuel cell cathodes: Mechanisms of stability enhancement, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 7(48):27585-27593 (2019).
- Lu, Matthew Y.; Scipioni, Roberto; Park, Beom Kyeong; Yang, Tianrang; Chart, Yvonne A.; Barnett, Scott A., Mechanisms of PrOx performance enhancement of oxygen electrodes for low and intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells, Materials Today Energy 14 (2019).
- Zhang, Shan Lin; Wang, Hongqian; Lu, Matthew Y.; Li, Cheng Xin; Li, Chang Jiu; Barnett, Scott A., Electrochemical performance and stability of SrTi0.3Fe0.6Co0.1O3-Δ infiltrated La0.8Sr0.2MnO3[sbnd]Zr0.92Y0.16O2-Δ oxygen electrodes for intermediate-temperature solid oxide electrochemical cells, Journal of Power Sources 426:233-241 (2019).
- Lu, Matthew Y.; Railsback, Justin G.; Wang, Hongqian; Liu, Qinyuan; Chart, Yvonne A.; Zhang, Shan Lin; Barnett, Scott A, Stable high current density operation of La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-: δ oxygen electrodes, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 7(22):13531-13539 (2019).
- Liu, Qinyuan; Wang, Hongqian; Kennouche, David; Riscoe, Casey; Butts, Danielle; Barnett, Scott A., Effect of reversing-current operation on the structure and electrochemical performance evolution of Ni-YSZ fuel electrodes, Journal of the Electrochemical Society 165(10):F870-F875 (2018).
- Chen, Kan Sheng; Xu, Rui; Luu, Norman S.; Secor, Ethan B.; Hamamoto, Koichi; Li, Qianqian; Kim, Soo; Sangwan, Vinod K.; Balla, Itamar; Guiney, Linda M.; Seo, Jung Woo T.; Yu, Xiankai; Liu, Weiwei; Wu, Jinsong; Wolverton, Chris; Dravid, Vinayak P.; Barnett, Scott A.; Lu, Jun; Amine, Khalil; Hersam, Mark C., Comprehensive Enhancement of Nanostructured Lithium-Ion Battery Cathode Materials via Conformal Graphene Dispersion, Nano letters 17(4):2539-2546 (2017).
- Miller, Samuel A.; Gorai, Prashun; Ortiz, Brenden R.; Goyal, Anuj; Gao, Duanfeng; Barnett, Scott A.; Mason, Thomas O.; Snyder, G. Jeffrey; Lv, Qin; Stevanović, Vladan; Toberer, Eric S., Capturing Anharmonicity in a Lattice Thermal Conductivity Model for High-Throughput Predictions, Chemistry of Materials 29(6):2494-2501 (2017).
- Railsback, Justin; Hughes, Gareth; Mogni, Liliana; Montenegro-Hern�ndez, Alejandra; Barnett, Scott, High-pressure performance of mixed-conducting oxygen electrodes, Journal of the Electrochemical Society 163(13):F1433-F1439 (2016).