Xin Chen is IWCTS 2014 Chair & Co-chair of 2014 ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS Cup Contest
Prof. Xin Chen served as the chair of the 7th International Workshop on Computational Transportation Science and delivered the opening remarks.
Prof. Xin Chen served as the chair of the 7th International Workshop on Computational Transportation Science and delivered the opening remarks, regarding the Automated Driving Cloud, titled, "Automated Mobility: How Environment Awareness Technologies will 'Drive' Intelligent Transportation of the Future" on November 4 in Dallas, TX.
Talk Abstract: The industry is faced with a unique challenge – creating automated mobility systems that exercise good judgment in complex scenarios. New modes of transportation and interaction capabilities with automated systems will fundamentally change the way people move. However, at the core of these advancements is the importance of environment awareness in and around our mobility systems. The opportunities that environment awareness technologies bring to our industry are in their infancy and major advancements in the field of automation will change the way that we interact with the world around us. Dr. Xin Chen will present his vision on next generation digital mapping to enable automated driving. Join this talk to gain a behind the scenes insight into the role of environment awareness in developing the future of intelligent transportation and technologies.
Prof. Chen also served as a co-chair of the 2014 ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS Cup Contest on Map Generalization. A field of 38 international teams competed for the top three priizes with the award ceremony being held on Nov 7 at the ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS Conference. 22nd ACM SIGSPATIAL, held November 4-7, 2014 in Dallas, Texas
This years contest found each team being given access to a large amount line string geometries that are boundaries of administrative areas along with some point data that is used to constrain these lines. The objective of the contest is to reduce the number of vertices in the input line strings while preserving the topological constraints among the lines and the point data.
In addition to his recent distinguishments listed above, Prof. Chen also served as a Guest Editor for a Special Issue on Computational Transportation Science of GeoInformatica, offered by Springer.