Bustamante's AquaLab Labratory Has 3 Accepted Papers at ACM IMC '14
The lab's combined contribution comprises more than 10% of the (long) papers accepted at the conference.
Prof. Fabián Bustamante's AquaLab Labratory has 3 papers accepted at the prestigious ACM Internet Measurement Conference (IMC) 2014 to be held November 5-7 in Vancouver, Canada. The lab's combined contribution comprises more than 10% of the (long) papers accepted at the conference.
The AquaLab members who have authored accepted papers, include EECS Ph.D Students Zach Bischof, John Rula, and Mario Sanchez. Bischof and Rula completed their undergraduate studies at NU, while Sanchez recently defended his dissertation and is now graduated.
Paper Titles
1. Title: "Need, Want, or Can Afford - Broadband Markets and the Behavior of Users."
Authors: Zachary S. Bischof (Northwestern University), Fabian E. Bustamante (Northwestern University), Rade Stanojevic (Telefonica Research).
2. Title:"Behind the Curtain: Cellular DNS and Content Replica Selection."
Authors: John P. Rula and Fabián Bustamante.
3. Title:"Inter-Domain Traffic Estimation for the Outsider.”
Authors: Mario A. Sánchez (Northwestern University), Fabián E. Bustamante (Northwestern University), Balachander Krishnamurthy (AT&T Labs-Research), Walter Willinger (Niksun, Inc.), Georgios Smaragdakis (TU Berlin), Jeffrey Erman (AT&T Labs-Research).
IMC is a three-day event focusing on Internet measurement and analysis. The conference is sponsored jointly by ACM SIGCOMM and ACM SIGMETRICS. IMC 2014 is the 14th in a series of highly successful Internet Measurement Workshops and Conferences.
IMC is a highly selective venue for the presentation of measurement-based research in data communications. The focus of IMC 2014 will be on papers that either (1) improve the practice of measurement or (2) illuminate some facet of an operational network.
IMC 2014 will bestow two awards. One award will recognize the outstanding paper at the conference, and all accepted papers are eligible for it. The other award will recognize a paper that contributes a novel dataset to the community.