Hartline & Immorlica are Co-Organizers of Midway Market Design Workshop, July 9-11
The conference will bring together researchers from economics and computer science to study the design of online and offline markets in a variety of settings.
Prof. Jason Hartline & Prof. Nicole Immorlica are Co-Organizers of the Midway Market Design Workshop, taking place on July 9-11, 2014.
The conference will bring together researchers from economics and computer science to study the design of online and offline markets in a variety of settings. Rigorous modelling of incentives, strategic behavior, and asymmetric information will be the common thread among these researchers. Diverse applications ranging from securities trading to school choice mechanisms will be considered.
The sessions will take place at the University of Chicago's Becker Friedman Institute and is jointly sponsored by the National Science Foundation.
The conference will begin mid-day on Wednesday, July 9 with workshop presentations on preliminary work in Room 104AB. This will be followed by a formal conference beginning at 9AM on Thursday, July 10 in Room C25, with a dinner following the final session at A10 at 6:30PM. The conference will then continue at 9AM on Friday, July 11 in Room C25, with the final presentation ending at noon.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Becker Friedman Institute (bfi@uchicago.edu) or Grace Hammond (gohammond@uchicago.edu).