ELEC_ENG 395, 495: Bioelectric Systems Modeling & Analysis

This course is not currently offered.


Basic understanding of circuits and systems, e.g. ELEC_ENG 221, 222 or BME 305,306 and some MATLAB experience.


AIM AND SCOPE: The aim of the course is the understanding of bioelectric systems and phenomena through systems simulation, use of high performance computational platforms to understand the underlying mechanisms of bioelectric phenomena such as the genesis and propagation characteristics of the action potential thus connecting medical monitoring and intervention findings with the cause of the disease from the bioelectric phenomena viewpoint. Application areas shall be based on the neural system and the cardiovascular system where detailed models for cardiac action potential and neural action potential shall be used along with advanced simulation and computational techniques.

COURSE INSTRUCTOR: Prof. Nicos Maglaveras


  • Principles of bioelectricity in the cell. Membrane ionic currents mechanisms and resting membrane potential response. Cellular excitation, bioelectric phenomena and mechanisms regulating the action potential in the nerve, heart and muscle.
  • Bioelectric phenomena at the tissue level. Multi-dimensional non-linear cellular networks simulation and high performance computational approaches. Bioelectrically induced wave propagation properties.
  • Bioelectric phenomena in human organs and systems. The case of the heart. Methodologies to simulate in detail patho-physiological mechanisms in the heart and nerve. Applications in ischemic and infarcted myocardium and normal and abnormal neuron.
  • Complexity theory and non-linear bioelectric simulation approaches. Evolution from normal heart rate to abnormal heart rate. The role of electrical restitution and diastolic intervals in heart and nerve.
  • Visualisation issues and integration techniques of information from multiple sources (cat-labs, electrophysiology labs, multi-modal imaging units, telemonitoring, ICU) in efficient models.
  • Medical hypotheses evaluation protocols related to arrhytmogenesis and bioelectric related arrhythmia and cardiac dysfunction mechanisms.


  • Homework (15%)
  • Mid-term exam (25%)
  • Individual project (30%)
  • Final exam (30%)

COURSE TEXTBOOK: Online textbook : J. Malmivuo and R. Plonsey, ‘Bioelectromagnetism’