Class of 2024

Photo of Rishabh  Setty

Rishabh Setty

Graduate StudentEmail Rishabh Setty

Hi I am Rishabh Setty and I am an aspiring data scientist. When I first started college I was only interested in mathematics and wasnt aware of the different paths a math degree could lead someone. I started off being a teach assistant for calculus then eventually discovering my passion for the application of mathematics through computer science. I later began taking python courses at my school and once I became good enough I started a deep learning research internship which lead me on the path I am currently. I soon got a job as a back end software engineer to hone my skills in Javascript, SQL, and learned more about database management and API development. Overall my experience as a math major in college and as a software engineer after I graduated gave me the well round perspective I have now on data for me to purse a masters in data science.