SA Brown & Ritaja Ray Receive EA2 TA Awards

Susan Alexis (SA) Brown and Ritaja Ray were awarded the EA2 TA Awards. The awards were voted on by students in Engineering Analysis II and based on excellency in teaching. When asked to describe what it was like to TA such an enormous course, they both said, “It was challenging, but is all about the students.” The award includes a $500 gift to each recipient.

SA Brown is a first year PhD student in civil engineering in mechanics, materials, and structures. She is in Gianluca Cusatis and David Corr’s research group. Her research focuses on long-term defamation of wood.

Ritaja Ray is a second year PhD student in civil engineering in geotechnical engineering. She is in Giuseppe Buscarnera’s research group. Her research focuses on rate dependent behavior of granular media. She was the coordinator for the TAs.

Engineering Analysis II (GEN_ENG 205) is an introductory engineering course focused on linear algebra and introduction to vector methods in engineering analysis, statics and dynamics of rigid bodies and matrix analysis of trusses and networks, and engineering design problems. It is required for all undergraduate engineering students in McCormick.

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