Prof. Yu (Marco) Nie Wins 2019 TR Part C Best Paper Award
Prof. Yu (Marco) Nie has been selected for the 2019 TR Part C Best Paper Award. The paper, titled “How Can the Taxi Industry Survive the Tide of Ridesourcing?”
Prof. Nie wrote the paper with passion and was finished within two weeks. He is the solo author of the paper. He said that “the award is totally unexpected” and, as he told his students, “doing research is like gambling: you never know when you will hit the jackpot.”
The award was created in 2017 to recognize one TR Part C publication annually that has made substantial contribution to the investigation of implications of emerging technologies on the planning, operations, management and maintenance of transportation systems. The nomination criteria include: 1) published in the previous two years; 2) regular research paper (rather than an overview paper); 3) neither the first author nor the corresponding author is one of TR Part C editors. The competition was fierce, and the editors had to deliberate quite long to pick a winner. Last year, Prof. Hani Mahmassani won this award.