The Second Annual CEE Career Fair Was Well Attended
The second annual Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Career Fair was held on Saturday, January 25, 2014. Ten companies ranging from consulting design firms, public agencies, construction and real estate development, and research lab participated in the event. Nearly 80 undergraduate and graduate students attended the event speaking with company representatives. Although most of the students were from our Department, we did have a few students from other majors in McCormick and Weinberg College as well as students from Illinois Institute of Technology and University of Illinois, Circle.
The CEE Career Fair was sponsored by NU ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers Student Chapter), EnvEUS (Environmental Engineering Undergraduates Society), and the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.
Companies participated in this year’s Career Fair are: Baxter & Woodman Consulting Engineers, City of Evanston Utilities Department, CTL Group, Engineering Consulting Services Midwest LLC, Goby LLC, IL DoT, Kiewit Infrastructure, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago, Ryan Companies, and Stanley Consultants.