Civil Engineering Students Received Scholarships from Illinois Section ASCE

Derek Cheah, Civil Engineering senior (CE’14), received the 2014 Transportation & Development Institute (T&DI) Graduate Scholarship. Derek received the Undergraduate Scholarship from the same Institute in 2013. Derek will attend University of California, Berkeley in September for his graduate study.
Nicholas Brandis, Civil Engineering junior (CE’15), received the 2014 Structural Engineering Institute Undergraduate Scholarship. Nick also received the Undergraduate Scholarship from T&DI in 2013.
Sara Ibarra, Civil Engineering junior (CE’15), received the 2014 Geotechnical Group/GeoInstitute Undergraduate Scholarship. Sara is currently working part time with Power Construction on the new Bienen School Building and the new visitor center construction. Sara will be conducting research with Prof. Giuseppe Buscarnera this summer.