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Hiring Temps 

For more information and/or assistance with Temp Hiring, please contact Yamina Khouane. The following are details to be provided when requesting a new temp hire: 

  • Student or Non-Student? Non-students (direct temps) include students from other schools or Northwestern students who recently graduated. Student temps do not require a background check, but all other temps do. 
  • Foreign National? – Non-US citizens are required to enter their immigration details into the Foreign National Information System (FNIS)to be eligible for employment. 
  • SSN individuals must have a Social Security Number before they can be hired at NU (exceptions are made for postdocs - please contact McCormick's Customer Service Center). Applying for a SSN will add at least an extra week to the hiring process. 
  • Length of appointment – Specific start dates and end dates are preferred but you can also specify an estimated number of weeks for employment. Temp appointments must be aligned with the biweekly pay period schedule. If a temp is hired for the quarter, the dates within the quarter that best align with the pay period will be used unless otherwise specified. 

  • Pay: payment details are required on the HR form submission. 

  • Wage – A temp’s hourly rate must meet the minimum wage. NOTE: Temps cannot be set up for a monthly stipend. 
  • Chart string – NOTE: Temp Wages are not always included in the terms for sponsored funding.  

Hiring a postdoc or updating a postdoc appointment? Please reach out to McCormick's Customer Service Center. 

To hire a research tech, please contact Jennifer Young.