2023-2024 Cohort

Photo of Chethana Saligram

Chethana Saligram

After graduating from BNMIT, Bangalore with a bachelor’s degree in Electronics & Communications Engineering, Chethana started her professional career as an Application Development Analyst at Accenture. Managing DevOps for a pharmaceutical giant, Chethana programmed and deployed scripts on AWS, dealing with performance optimization and technical root cause analysis. Her dedication to the work won her the Extra Mile Award twice. 

Her undergrad project involved designing and building an interactive health bot for first level diagnosis, employing technologies like NLP and ML. Classification was a dominant ML technique employed here. For both implementation & presentation, this project won the Best Project Award for her department.

As a chess player, she contemplates the enigma of human and computational intelligence wondering if chess is computational or about intuiting board patterns. While Turing approaches dominate a game, she believes the human brain approaches it nonlinearly. She is passionate about the engineering that enables learning and reasoning.

Fourier analysis gives her an intellectual joy in how approximating periodic data can help make inferences, DSP being one spark that fueled her desire to traverse the asymptotic trajectory of improving confidence of intelligent systems.

For Chethana, AI represents the capstone of many intellectual disciplines. While she is keen to explore intelligent systems pushing the frontiers of AI, she believes that unless AI is ethically homogenized with humans, fears around runaway forces of technological singularity cannot be avoided.