Work in parallel with other students who are exploring the space of ideas and applications together as a team.

Student Body Profile

The Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence will welcome approximately 40 top students from all over the world to join each cohort year. Students enter the program with a variety of professional and educational backgrounds, but they typically have undergraduate degrees in traditional Computer Science-related or quantitative majors such as computer science, computer engineering, mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, biomedical engineering, applied statistics, and mathematics.

Many of our students come to the MSAI program immediately after completing their undergraduate education, but it is not uncommon for students to join MSAI directly from industry. Some entering students bring several years of work experience in a range of industries.

Prior Work Experience

Cohort 2018 2019
No work experience 47% 40%
1-2 years 21% 30%
3-5 years 16% 10%
More than 5 years 16% 20%
Average post undergraduate work experience 2 years 3 years

Gender Breakdown

Cohort 2018 2019
Male 89% 63%
Female 12% 37%

Background by Academic Major

Cohort 2018 2019
Engineering and Computer Science 58% 50%
Mathematics and Statistics 16% 10%
Economics and Social Sciences 5% 20%
Liberal Arts 11% 10%
Natural Sciences 5% 5%
Behavioral Sciences 5% 5%