2023-2024 Cohort

Photo of Taehyung Kim

Taehyung Kim

Taehyung earned his bachelor's degree in Data Science at University of California, San Diego. Throughout his undergraduate journey, he developed a strong foundation in data analytics, programming, and machine learning techniques. During his time at UCSD, he further distinguished myself by working as a research intern at the Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience. It was here that he discovered the captivating intersection between Artificial Intelligence and brain signals. Through this experience, he gained valuable insights into cutting-edge research and contributed to projects aimed at decoding neural activity using AI techniques.

At Northwestern, he is excited to collaborate with esteemed faculty and peers in a dynamic learning environment. Taehyung looks forward to engaging in cutting-edge research, participating in AI-focused initiatives, and nurturing a deep understanding of AI ethics, ensuring that the advancements in AI are harnessed responsibly and ethically.