2023-2024 Cohort

Photo of Yiying Gao

Yiying Gao

Yiying earned her Bachelor's degree in Statistics from University of Washington. She has several experiences on Data Science with demonstrated working history in Healthcare Products, Real Estate and Banking.

When she was working in Aeyesafe, an AI monitoring healthcare product, as a Data Scientist Intern, she conducted researches on seniors' behaviors and redesigned cloud database structure and pipelines. She was also a Data Analyst Intern in Tripalink, a property management company. She implemented APIs to built automatically updated pipelines to detect abnormal profile cases and portrait target customer profiles by performing EDA. During her time in BOC INTERNATIONAL, CO.,LTD, she conducted researches and EDA on customers’ potential investment behaviors, and revised seasonal security sales strategies.

Skilled in SQL, Python, R, PySpark, and Database design/management, she mainly focuses on Machine Learning and Deep Learning. Yiying hopes to apply Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics to various fields.