Faculty / Researcher Services
Faculty Salary Management Services

For faculty academic year salary direct charging, McCormick Finance enters the position funding plans following the provision of data and instructions from department Business Administrators.  McCormick Finance prepares final year end salary recovery report with reconciliation assistance from departments.

For faculty summer salary payments, McCormick Finance supports the payroll submission process and annual reporting.  Following the department Business Administrators completion of the Department Summer Salary Templates, McCormick Finance (AFF&P) collates all department data and reviews for accuracy before approving and uploading the McCormick Excel spreadsheet to NU HR Payroll’s OnBase system.  Requests for summer salary payments after the upload date are submitted via the Department Summer Salary Template but are then populated into the standard NU HR Summer/Research Quarter Salary form for approval routing to the Business Administrator.

Please email the McCormick Faculty Salary Services at mccfacultypay@northwestern.edu for additional information.