Study Options / Course Listings / DescriptionsMSIT 413: Wireless Technologies
The course will give an overview of the technical concepts behind mobile, cellular, and emerging wireless personal communications services. The major driving factors in this area are advances in microelectronics, digital communications, signal processing, and advanced intelligent networking. The course will explain the nature of these technological advances and how they can be used to support new services. Topics
Required Text: T. S. Rappaport, Wireless Communications (2nd Edition)
Reference Text: K. Pahlavan and A. H. Levesque, Wireless Information Networks (2nd Ed.), Wiley, 2005
Grading: 50% project, 25% homework, 20% midterm, 5% participation
Homework: There will be 3 homework assignments consisting of questions related to class material.
Midterm: There will be a one-hour test the sixth week.
Project: The project consists of a written report and presentation, and will be assigned to teams of between 3 and 4 students. Projects should emphasize applications of wireless technologies along with any technical content. (Examples are a business case analysis of a particular wireless technology, or a survey and critical comparison of specific products or services.) A list of possible project topics is posted on the class website. We also encourage team members to propose projects not listed. The
Schedule for projects:
4th week: One- to two-page proposals are due stating team members, project objectives, and specific contributions from each team member.
7th week: One- to two-page progress reports are due.
10th week: Project presentations; project reports due.