Nikhil Mutyal (Professor Backman's Lab) was awarded for Best Student Poster at Biannual Biomedical Optics Topical Meeting in Miami,FL
The award was for Best Student Poster at Biannual Biomedical Optics Topical Meeting in Miami, FL. The award is given to students who have originality in their research along with, the impact the research will have on Clinical Diagnosis.Nikhil Mutyal was awarded the first prize among 120 other posters. Nikhil Mutyal's poster was on "Design and Implementation of Fiber Optic Probe for measuring Field Effect of Carcinogenesis with Low- Coherence Enhanced Backscattering Spectroscopy ". The implementation and success of this probe would lead to highly accurate, non-invasive risk stratification technique of colon cancer using field effect of carcinogenesis. The implications of this would be early detection of pre-cancerous lesions in colon by simple rectal examination by novel fiber optic. The patients above age of 50 go to their primary care physician for a regular check-up and would get themselves a rectal exam(procedure time 2-3 minutes) with this novel probe. If the markers are below some value they will be at low risk of colon cancer and should schedule exam after specified time. If their markers are above certain value then they would have to undergo colonoscopy to get their precursor lesion removed.This would lead to reduced cost of unnecessary colonoscopies and more patient compliance