BME students earn three of the top four places in the 2009 McCormick Frey Prize Competition.

The Frey prize is awarded each year for innovation and creativity in senior capstone work, as judged by a jury of recognized leaders from the fields of engineering.

It was established by Donald Frey, professor of industrial engineering and management science, in honor of his late parents. The winners of the 2009 Margaret and Muir Frey Memorial Prize were announced at the 2009 McCormick Convocation

The 2009 recipients are:

First Place

$12,000 to the student(s) and $5,000 to the faculty adviser(s)

Female Pelvic Exam Simulator for the Developing World

Students: Tadas Sileika, Rebecca Etrenne, John Leuthner, and Lee Lamers

Advisers: Matthew Glucksberg and Alan Sahakian

Second Place

$8,000 to the student(s) and $3,000 to the faculty adviser(s)

Robotic End-Effector for Automation of Sliced Meat Packaging

Students: Jennifer Breger, Nathan Henry, Mark Straccia, and Matt Turpin

Adviser: Wei Chen

Third Place

$5,000 to the student(s) and $2,000 to the faculty adviser(s)

The TiltAlign Alignment for Patients with Postural Difficulties

Students: Annie Baltes, Dan Choi, Blerta Mandro, James Rein

Adviser : Matthew Glucksberg and Michael Peshkin

Honorable Mention

Rewet Detection Device in absorbent products used for urinary incontinence

Students: Ankur Bakshi, Lizhou Huang, Alexander Sheu, Scott Tuttle

Adviser: Matthew Glucksberg

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