The Department of Materials Science and Engineering strives to maintain a balanced commitment between teaching and research.The Department of Materials Science and Engineering strives to maintain a balanced commitment between teaching and research.

Mission and Values

Our Mission

Lead in the discovery, development, and dissemination of material solutions for society’s most pressing challenges. 

Our Vision

We will define the forefront of materials science and engineering by educating and growing an inclusive interdisciplinary community of bold, collaborative innovators who provide society with the advanced materials required to improve and sustain human well-being. 

Our Core Values

The core of accomplishing our mission and reaching our vision is deeply rooted in our culture, reflected in our three central values: 

Cultivate Visionary Leaders and Trailblazers 

  • By providing robust foundations in fundamental research experiences and interdisciplinary education that empowers students to collaborate, break boundaries, and take bold risks. 

Enable Scientific Discovery 

  • Through investments that strengthen fundamental understanding and expand the frontiers of materials knowledge.

Accelerate Engineering Innovation 

  • By building convergent interactions and capacity that eliminate barriers between disciplines and incentivize technology transfer.