EMDC Announces the Built Environment Exchange (BuiltX) - An Idea Forum

The Master of Science in Executive Management for Design and Construction (EMDC) is proud to announce the Built Environment Exchange or BuiltX, the first in a new series of idea forums and networking events meant to benefit both EMDC students and professionals working in the built environment.

BuiltX provides an additional venue to enable professionals working across the many sectors of the built environment the opportunity to network, openly discuss best practices, and gain objective insights on industry trends. The event series covers a broad range of industry topics through fireside chats, panel discussions, and keynote speakers and encompasses participants from all industries within the built environment to foster a network of knowledge across disciplines and forge meaningful professional connections.

The inaugural BuiltX will take place on June 28 starting at 7:30 am with a continental breakfast and the opportunity to network with other industry professionals. EMDC director Shelley C. Finnigan and CMAA Chicago chapter president Kevin Nolan will follow with opening remarks and an introduction of the panel discussion, “What’s on the Horizon with Cook County?”.

The panel will be moderated by EMDC faculty member Jacqueline J. Loewe and feature:
  • Elizabeth Granato, Bureau Chief, Cook County Bureau of Asset Management
  • Jennifer "Sis" Killen, Superintendent of Cook County’s Department of Transportation and Highways
  • Earl Manning, Director of Capital Planning and Policy

Following the panel, there will be an additional round of networking to end the event.

The event is free and will be held in the SLOAN Showroom at 333 N. Green Street, Suite 1000 Chicago, IL.
Seating is limited.


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