PROJ_MGT 434: Lean Construction

Quarter Offered


The curriculum will introduce the fundamentals of lean construction practices and how progressive executives can use them to collaboratively and rapidly improve their enterprises.  The course will use a dynamic blend of power points, videos, lean writings, industry case studies and interactive simulations as the basis of learning.


  • To clarify the basics elements of lean and the way they reinforce each other in the constant pursuit to produce the finest quality, the lowest cost, the shortest lead-time, the best safety, and the highest morale
  • To provide attendees a sound and practical base of understanding to begin or advance their lean journey (practices) and to inspire them to want to learn more about the benefits of lean management
  • To demonstrate that the true benefits of lean result from a meaningful change to our daily top-down thinking and behavior – you can’t just say “ bless my child go be lean”
Course syllabus