MPM Deputy Director Named ASCE Fellow and Citizen Engineer of the Year

Ahmad Hadavi reflects on receiving his new title and how it will help him further promote the MPM program.

The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) is the oldest engineering society in the country. Founded in 1852, ASCE is the world’s largest publisher of civil engineering content and an authoritative source for codes and standards that protect the public, and represents more than 150,000 members from the civil engineering profession. 

Of all those members, just three percent hold the esteemed title of ASCE Fellow. 

Ahmad HadaviAhmad Hadavi, deputy director of Northwestern Engineering's Master of Project Management (MPM) program, is one of those members.  

Hadavi, an ASCE member since 1988, was named an ASCE Fellow in June. For his positive impact on the field, he was also recognized by the ASCE Illinois Section with the “Citizen Engineer of the Year” award in an event on October 5. Hadavi was credited with impacting the careers of engineers around the world by providing cutting-edge programs and courses to train professionals in the rapidly changing environment. 

Hadavi joined ASCE as a student member while pursuing his PhD in civil engineering and construction management.  

"I have been involved in the ASCE Construction Research Council and other technical committees and meetings (over the years)," Hadavi said. "(ASCE) helped me to grow professionally and learn from senior members of the society."  

In turn, Hadavi has taken lessons learned from ASCE and passed them on to students in MPM. Hadavi has taught in MPM for more than 30 years and also helped launch Northwestern Engineering's Master of Science in Executive Management for Design and Construction (EMDC) program.  

Many of the relationships he's developed with students have lasted long after the students graduated and entered the construction and engineering fields. 

"I am proud of my former students," Hadavi said. "I get happy and excited when I see their professional achievements on LinkedIn or personal activities on Facebook and Instagram. When I travel abroad, I try to meet the MPM alumni and catch up with their activities." 

Hadavi is looking forward to connecting with a new collection of MPM students this quarter. He and MPM director Shelley Finnigan will co-teach a new seminar called "Fundamentals of Project Management."  

He is also excited to continue learning and gaining new wisdom from other ASCE Fellows. 

"In future ASCE meetings, I will interact with other Fellows to get involved more in the activities of the Society," he said. "As a fellow, I will attend more professional meetings and also will have opportunities to talk about the MPM and EMDC programs." 

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