IEMS 343: Project Management for Engineers



The purpose of this course is to provide an overview of the field of Project Management as applied to technology intensive, product development projects using a systems orientation. The course will emphasize the basics of Project Management success, the basic process model, applications of project management and certain techniques and key factors for project success in a high risk, high technology environment. Included will be some topics related to Product Portfolio Management.

  • This course is an MS elective for Industrial Engineering
  • This is a one (1) unit course


  • Portfolio management basics
  • PM Triple constraint
  • Project scope management
  • Project planning and scheduling, including Monte Carlo simulation
  • Project research management
  • Project risk management and risk planning
  • Change control and change management


The course philosophy is that the students bring a wealth of information and knowledge to the classroom experience. It is the job of the instructor to liberate the wisdom of the classroom while modeling behavior for future PMs to "liberate" the wisdom of their teams in the workplace. We will balance theory with practical observations. We are not teaching the use of MS-Project or any other software package. PM is far more than a software package. Project scheduling is expected as part of the overall Final Exam, however, any scheduling tool that is compatible with a Monte Carlo tool, such as PERTMASTER, is acceptable.


Upon completion of the class, the student will be able to:

  1. Recognize primitive project management cultures; understand the basics of project management as a discipline and as defined in the PMBOX
  2. Recognize a project in the organization, and be able to match the PM techniques needed to the needs of the organization. Be able to implement project controls within an organization
  3. Apply basic project management techniques, or be able to manage those who do in an effective manner
  4. Establish basic policies in the organization that will foster and enable effective project management techniques


Project Management, The Managerial Process. Clifford F. Gray, Erik W. Larson, McGraw Hill. Latest version (8th edition) can be rented on Amazon for under $30.