PRDV 335-2: Engineering Improv II: The Art of Application (0.5 Unit)



Every professional environment requires collaboration and adaptability to change. Applied improvisation (AI) techniques teach participants to accept uncertainty and ambiguity as the conditions in which one must learn and work. During Engineering Improv II students will immerse themselves in the world of applied improvisation (AI) for business, marketing, health, education, science, personal development, and social change. By investigating the work of groundbreaking improv artists, as well as the case studies of contemporary AI practitioners, students will develop an understanding of how AI can be a catalyst for creativity, innovation, and change. Students will apply the knowledge they’ve acquired in Engineering Improv I to continue to practice and apply improv skills both alone and in teams.

Learning Objectives

By the end of the course, with a combination of solo and team work, students will:

  1. Explore applications of improv theatre beyond performance.
  2. Discover how AI is applied in various fields to solve problems.
  3. Design an AI session and learn to facilitate an AI session.
  4. Build on improv skills and scene work from Engineering Improv I
  5. Add to their collection of improv games, theories, and vocabulary.


  • Week 1: Bringing Brands to Life
  • Week 2: Resilience and Connection
  • Week 3: Leadership Development
  • Week 4: Higher Education
  • Week 5: Wrap-up


There is one required books for the course:

Applied Improvisation: Leading, Collaborating, and Creating Beyond the Theatre:
ISBN-13: 978-1350014350, ISBN-10: 1350014354