2023-2024 Cohort

Photo of Bhavinkumar Rathava

Bhavinkumar Rathava

Bhavinkumar Rathava earned his Bachelor of Technology in Electrical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Indore (IIT Indore) in 2020. Before joining Northwestern's MSAI program, he also worked as a Graduate Analyst at Barclays GSC, India for 2 years.

During his undergraduate studies, he explored my passion for programming and AI and researched applications of Deep Learning Algorithms in Electrical communication systems. His research later served as a foundation for a [publication] in EUSIPCO as well. 

After Graduation, he worked for Barclays GSC, India for about 2 years in the capacity of a Graduate Analyst where he developed Java(Springbotot) APIs for one of Barclays' Central Data Repository teams and got the opportunity to work extensively with APIs and data. During this time he also developed OneUI, an internal team tool that helped create value by simplifying resource allocations and API cataloging for his team. Overall this experience allowed him to build powerful insights about the way in which technology and data are used to create value for consumers on a global scale.