Title: Tales of tails: Elastohydrodynamics of microscale motion
Speaker: Maciej Lisicki, University of Warsaw and UPenn
Abstract: A look into the microworld reveals plethora of swimming microorganisms, which display a rich variety of shapes and swimming gaits. Despite this diversity, physics of microscale imposes universal limitations on their propulsion strategies. In my talk, I will review the basic properties of Stokes flows and their consequences on swimming. Next, I will show an artificial system of microscale oil droplets that have the ability to swim due to a surface phase transition driven by environmental temperature fluctuations. I will demonstrate how a coarse-grained elastohydrodynamic model can be successfully employed to quantitatively describe the motion of droplets. I will also show a couple of other examples where a simplified elastohydrodynamic model proves useful for the prediction of diffusive properties.
Zoom: https://northwestern.zoom.us/j/95467525146
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TIME Tuesday April 9, 2024 at 11:15 AM - 12:15 PM
LOCATION M416, Technological Institute map it
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CONTACT Ted Shaeffer ted.shaeffer@northwestern.edu
CALENDAR McCormick-Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics (ESAM)