2022-2023 Cohort

Photo of Varsha Velumani

Varsha is a skilled data scientist with a strong academic background and professional experience in the field. She completed her Master of Science in Data Science at PSG College of Technology in India in April 2021, where she developed expertise in data analysis, machine learning, and deep learning.

In her previous role as a Software Development Engineer at Zerodown, Varsha made significant contributions to the company's development and growth. She designed and implemented multiple pipelines, databases, and models to improve the performance and functionality of Zerodown's mortgage products and website. She also created an internal dashboard, demonstrating her proficiency in web development and data analysis. Additionally, as a Data Science Intern at Oracle Corporation, she applied regression analysis and sentiment analysis to optimize team sizes, predict hiring timelines, and analyze satisfaction rates.

Through her Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence at Northwestern University, Varsha aims to deepen her knowledge and skills in the field and stay up to date with the latest advancements in AI technology. She hopes to apply these skills to real-world problems and develop innovative solutions that can benefit businesses and society as a whole.