2022-2023 Cohort

Photo of Milind Kesar Thummala

I received my Bachelor of Technology (Honours) in Computer Science and Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology Bhilai. During my undergraduate studies, I explored various subjects such as data mining, machine learning, artificial intelligence and network science. As part of my degree, I wrote a thesis titled “Neighborhood Sampling and Augmentation Strategies for Graph Neural Networks”. This project greatly motivated me to pursue a career in machine learning and artificial intelligence and served as a great learning experience. I also worked on a few projects in the areas of recommendation systems, data analytics and network science as part of my courses.

I completed two internships during my undergraduate studies. My first internship was a machine learning role in the ed-tech industry. The second was a research internship where I furthered my knowledge in machine learning on graph-structured data.

My passion lies in building intelligent systems that rely on machine learning to solve a plethora of real-world problems. I am interested in using machine learning to gain meaningful insights from unstructured data such as graphs, text, etc. I aim to pursue my interests at Northwestern University through the MSAI program and gain the skills necessary to achieve my career goals.